Time to re-introduce you to the whole ScLoHo.
But first what’s a ScLoHo?
ScLoHo is a made up word that is a mash-up of my first, middle and last names. Take the 1st two letters of Scott Louis Howard and you get ScLoHo.
How do you pronounce ScLoHo? It’s just two syllables = Sclo-Ho with a long “o”.
But what is a ScLoHo?
Back in the 1990’s when I was looking for an email address, I could have used ScottHoward with some numbers attached but I wanted something unique. Scott Howard is more common of a name than I had ever imagined. So I stuck with ScLoHo.
As my online activity grew, the ScLoHo brand grew.
I created a website blog that included articles on Media, Marketing, Sales, and Advertising that featured insight from others, ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom.
I also created another another site with the same theme, but only features articles I write, The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo. If I were to write a book on marketing stuff, these articles would be the chapters.
Because I was asked multiple times for advice on social media for beginners, I created another site in 2010 which included step by step guides on how to set up Twitter and other social media platforms along with advanced tips. This site, ScLoHo’s Social Media Adventure quickly became a favorite resource for those who were jumping into the social media world.
Each of those sites are still alive, and you can access them by clicking on the links above, along with a site I created that is more personal and fun, ScLoHo’s Really?. These sites are on the Google Blogger platform.
Over 12,000 articles were published at the rate of 35 to 50 per week.
Then in October, 2011, I launched this site and began a restructuring process That along with an agreement I made with a former employer last year changed the content direction of what I was putting on my website. ScLoHo Marketing Solutions became dormant for the past several months.
Instead of 30+ weekly articles, I was down to 3.
That’s changing.
Look for a more active website in the future. as I bring back some of the features I used to publish. A daily update at 9am is the first step.
Feel free to connect with me on Twitter, email, or carrier pigeon. Google ScLoHo and you’ll find me too.