We are nearly 1/2 way through 2014.
I know, it seems like time is moving so fast.
In 6 months and a week, we will be celebrating New Years Eve and now is a good time to evaluate something.
Even if you didn’t set any resolutions for 2014, or plan any changes, pick something.
Pick anything, but pick something and take a couple moments and decide if there is something you want to change about something. Then simply commit to making the change.
Here’s an easy idea to get you started…
Expand your world by expanding something all of us do…Eat.
The next time you dine out, pick something you have never had before. If you dine out once a month, that’s 6 or 7 new dishes to try this year. Weekly, that would be close to 30 new menu items.
I recall a few years ago when I finally asked my daughter Rachael to introduce me to sushi and was very pleasantly surprised.
Perhaps you have been successfully doing something this year that you were not successful at in the past. Take some time to evaluate why.
The key to this is to start questioning and start discovering.