Today, instead of telling you about the actual results, (which I will do one day), I will show you why there is unmatched power of a live endorsement ad on WOWO radio with Fort Wayne area listeners.

Radio stations have a unique ability to connect with their listeners in ways that no other advertising medium can do.  Because listening to the radio is a solo activity, the station that has radio personalities that talk in first person to the listener are able to connect emotionally with each listener.  This is different than the rock star who goes on stage and says, “Hello Fort Wayne!”  Instead, that radio personality is saying, “Hello Cindy” or “Hello Bill” to each person tuned in.

The radio personality has the ability to become a friend to the listener.  This connection is not made with all radio stations.  Those that are basically a music jukebox (or mp3 player) don’t allow their announcers to show their personality are not the same as radio stations that are personality driven.

Talk radio stations like WOWO make personal connections with listeners with our personalities like Pat Miller in the afternoon, Charly Butcher and his team in the morning.  Even the other personalities like Farm Director Rob Winters, Sports Director Jim Shovlin, House Calls host Rick Wolf and our news people including Ryan, Tom, Kylie and Darrin have developed relationships with listeners that translate into trusted friend status.

As a side note, WOWO listeners are conditioned to pay attention to the spoken words by the personalities because they tune in to hear the news, talk and information, not music. This enhances the attention paid by our listeners to everything, including ads on WOWO radio.

Earlier this month, I was reading an article from that talks about this power:

Nothing has more impact on buying decisions than the recommendation of a trusted friend or colleague. This is true for B2B and B2C and across all age groups.

Take a look at the chart that accompanied the article:


One more quote from the article:

…People with strong followings on the appropriate subjects…find people with a passion for interacting with your product or service,  If you can persuade them to talk about your brand and start conversations, you are almost there. It takes time to build and cultivate a network for you, but the payback will be worth it.

Now, with WOWO radio we offer a limited number of endorsement ads that for all the reasons I’ve mentioned are the most powerful form of advertising now just offered on WOWO radio, but the most powerful ads you can invest in for your business with any advertising medium in Fort Wayne.

Want to see if your business qualifies?  Contact me and let’s talk.