We hear about the decline of certain industries due to news reports, but there are some that are silently going away.
Sunday my friend Pete asked me if I noticed that fewer people are wearing watches these days.
And yes, I had noticed this over the past couple of years when the battery on my watch died and I stopped wearing mine.
We were sitting in the Firefly Coffee Shop and out of about 18 folks in the Firefly, no one was wearing one. I started watching over the next couple hours and no one, not a soul was wearing a watch.
The Sunday newspaper inserts had a couple of stores pushing watches for Fathers Day, but I doubt that they are a big seller. We just don’t need them.
It’s not that we don’t need to know what time it is, but I carry a timepiece with me, on my cellphone.
If I am using my computer, there’s the time conveniently in the corner, staring at me.
As I drive down the road, my radio is displaying the time.
You don’t need a research study or even a Google search to determine this trend.
Just a curious mind and observant eye.
What else is disappearing before our eyes?
What I’ve really notice change is how people use the Facebook News Feed as a lazy way to keep in touch with friends, meaning how we converse and connect is really leaving the personal realm. I was hurt and blown away when I finally got a mommy night out and my friend stated she already knew what was going on with me cause she reads it on Facebook! I was appalled to say the least. I realize I’m a frequent poster, but that doesn’t replace person to person conversations in my book.
Chrystal, I appreciate your insight. I’ve noticed a change in some of my communication with someone that has changed in a similar manner. And I am now going to do something about it.
This should become a sort of ‘pay it forward’ movement!