There is a huge problem with the way most businesses use social media to drum up customers.
The typical business or brand creates a Facebook page and pushes people to Like them.
Then they wonder why they aren’t being bombarded by new customers spending lots of money and paving the way to riches.
Step back from your misguided efforts and think about why people use social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+ to name a few.
Social Media is usually a way to communicate and share with others.
These others are usually people you know, or friends of people you know and the conversations we have with each other are not sales pitches.
And most Business/Brand activity falls into the sales pitch classification.
Sure, people are talking about you or the work/services/products you can provide and it seems to make sense that they would want to talk with you, but…
Social Media is about relationships, and if your social media activity is not relationship based, you are going to be ignored or even worse, you are going to irritate.
Now I’d like to hear about businesses that are doing it right.
Feel free to add some in the comments.
Here’s some additional thoughts on using Twitter for business