Invitations and the Buying Funnel. A couple summers ago I wrote that you have to Invite People To Do Business With You. Read it again and I’ve got an update for you regarding how this works with the Buying Funnel.
The simplest, most basic way to describe marketing is, Invite People To Do Business With You.
Use this as your yardstick to see if your marketing efforts are focused.
Invite People To Do Business With You applies to your paid radio ads.
Invite People To Do Business With You applies to your business cards.
Invite People To Do Business With You applies to your social media posts.
Invite People To Do Business With You also applies to the way your staff behaves once potential customers visit your business. Because they can also leave without spending any money.
Invite People To Do Business With You when you are not working. You do this by being a nice person. By leaving a positive impression.
Invite People To Do Business With You with your logo-ed shirts and vehicles. And as a side note, be sure anyone and everyone who is driving, riding in, or wearing anything with your name on it gives a positive impression all the time.
Invite People To Do Business With You but don’t be obnoxious about it. Be Friendly. It’s that simple and that hard.
Those timeless words are still true. But I want to expand on this concept of Invite People to Do Business With You.
One invitation is rarely enough.
If this is a new potential customer that you are inviting to do business with you, you need to penetrate their world repeatedly. That’s why I don’t sell one radio commercial on WOWO.
Your business needs to move through some variation of what is known as a buying funnel.
If you have been Inviting People to Do Business With You, you’ve been moving people from the total unawareness stage to a general awareness. However, if they don’t have a need for what you offer, they will not go any further in the Buying Funnel.
When a triggering event occurs in their life, (not your business) their awareness of you becomes more keen and they move through the next steps which are Comprehension of your business, Conviction that your business is the one they want to deal with and finally taking Action and becoming your paying customer.
That time between the first invitation and when they become your customer is the only time you have to invite them to spend money with you.
If you advertise for just a few weeks and then stop before they have made that purchase with you, there is a strong likelihood that they will not become your customer.
Sure, they are still going to buy, but not from you. They’ll buy from your competitor that has continued to advertise and invite them.
And once they have bought from someone else, you lost until the next time they need to buy.
Let me wrap this up by sharing with you what my job is all about. My job is to help you invite people to do business with you but I go beyond that. My passion is to help you organize a marketing plan that takes this buying funnel into consideration so you don’t waste money, but take advantage of my decades of experience and apply to your business success.
Want help? Let’s talk.