I confess. sometimes it’s hard to explain what I do. I am in a BNI Chapter and every week we have 45 seconds to stand up and tell the guests and members who we are, what we do and who we would like to connect with as a referral.
If you are a realtor, you buy and sell houses.
If you are a dentist, you take care of peoples teeth.
If you are an engineer, well, I have no idea what you do except it’s important.
When you are marketing your business, you and I need to be able to communicate to others what we do and sometimes it can’t be done easily.
But just because it isn’t easy to explain your work, doesn’t mean all is lost.
Perhaps the big picture of what you do combined with a personal uniqueness is the key.
Like, “I’m the dentist who loves kids so much we just had our 7th baby”. I have an advertising partner that has a bunch, maybe only 5 or 6. But that sure makes an impression right?
I went through this exercise several years ago with a realtor and found out that of the THOUSANDS of Real Estate Agents in our area, she was the 2nd best or 3rd best in several categories so we had to dig deeper and find out why her clients liked her and we came up with an easy way to explain her work when we were done.
By the way, my simple way of explaining my work is, “I help businesses invite people to become their customers.” I still need to tweak that some more because the long version is about 5 minutes. I shared it the other day, but if you missed it, click here.
Another by the way… When I am helping someone determine how to explain their work, for advertising and marketing purposes, it helps me to determine which advertising options are needed and will be most effective.
Will a 60 second live endorsement ad on WOWO Radio be the most effective because we need time to explain a bit about your business?
Do we simply need to drive people to your website with shorter messages that with more frequency?
Do we need to reach people online with a Custom Audience Targeted Digital Display Campaign?
Do should we do an email campaign, or a contest, or a combination of all of the above plus a few other options?
It’s all part of determining what you really need and it begins with the ability to explain your work in such a manner that it motivates people to want to know more and then spend money with you.
Want help? Contact me.