Today I'm talking to those of you who are waiting for something... I'm not sure what exactly you are waiting for and maybe you don't either. Because I write about and talk about media and marketing, I'll at least narrow this subject down to that world. In the 20 years...
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo
The Long Game
When I say the word "Future", how far off in the future does your mind think? Is the Future 5 years away? Is the Future 20 years away? Is the Future next week or even next month? Does it hurt your brain to think beyond today? Here in the United States we live in short...
Bigger and Better WOWO
For the past couple of weeks, my primary radio station, WOWO, has been teasing our listeners about something coming that would make WOWO Bigger and Better. Today, in the 7am hour WOWO Afternoon host Pat Miller joined Kayla Blakeslee, our host of Fort Wayne's Morning...
Google is the Wrong Answer
I was in a meeting with a business owner this month and as we were doing our usual "Discovery" meeting, one of the questions that was asked was: Where are your current customers coming from? He answered, "Google" Bzzzzzz. Wrong answer. Well, perhaps it was really the...
The Purpose of Your Advertising
The Purpose of Advertising is to let others know about you, your stuff, or your brand in such a manner that it has an impact. And before I go any further, the other distinction that Advertising has over other forms of communication is that you pay for it. It's not...
Where’s The Money in 2023?
Depending on where you get your news and information, you've probably heard a lot of Gloom and Doom stories about the economy. Some say we're in a recession, others say "no, not yet, don't label it with the R word." Some blame the President, others blame the previous...
7 Considerations For Successful Advertising
As I write this on February 13th, not quite 24 hours have passed since I watched Super Bowl 57 and yet the impact of that game is reverberating in my world. I had no skin in the game, even though the thought crossed my mind to wager since it's now legal, but I...
Up and To the Right
My friend Ben uses the term Up and To The Right to describe the direction business should be going when you chart it out. I've worked for Ben since 2013 and we worked together nearly 15 years ago too and Ben is a numbers guy. Me, not so much, but it's part of my work...
Past, Present, Future
As I write these words today, we have about 10 days left in the month and the year. Many of you are preparing to take some time off for the end of year holidays, while others are hurrying about trying to keep up with the busyness of this time of year. Anytime is a...