Show Them You Appreciate Them! The New Technology World we live in has certainly made some things easier, but in return, it has taken away a lot of the old fashioned customer service and appreciation. There was a time when you made a purchase and you might have...
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo
Business Marketing Lessons from an Election
It's a crazy time in my world of broadcasting. It is Election Week 2019. This year I have been personally involved in the process of helping candidates buy advertising time on my radio station, WOWO radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There are a few Business Marketing...
Who Are You and What Do You Do?
Who Are You and What Do You Do? Does your business name say what you do, or does it leave the public guessing? In a perfect world, the name of a business clearly says what they do or sell…names like Valvoline Instant Oil Change or Lawn and Snow Company instantly...
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
This week I have a challenge for you if you sell products that are manufactured by someone else. All of your suppliers have a vested interest in your success, and most of them have access to extraordinary marketing funds and resources beyond traditional co-op to help...
Where Are All The TV Viewers?
My wife and I are Baby Boomers and we have been the generation that most advertisers targeted their marketing to over most of my lifetime. That is until we "aged-out" of the 25-54 age demographic. That started happening in 2001 when the oldest Boomers who were born in...
Getting Paid For Your Work
Recently a friend of mine who is in the advertising business was lamenting about how he has "challenges" getting his clients to pay him in a timely manner. I rarely have this problem and I thought this would be a good topic for an article and podcast. No matter what...
Digital Burnout
Do you ever get annoyed at advertising? I did an informal and unscientific poll of friends and strangers recently and discovered that the answer is Yes. This is nothing new. As long as there have been advertising, there are reasons for people to dislike it. Music...
The Power of Audio
Which is more powerful... Audio or video? Is what you see more powerful than what you hear? What stirs your heart, your emotions? If you have never been asked these questions, you should take some time to contemplate the answer before we continue. The...
Avoid A Digital Disaster
I walked in for my 1 o'clock meeting, and there was a strange kind of energy at their office. I'm talking about energy in the air, the people were not their usual happy selves. I asked if Doug was in and they pointed to his office and went back to their...