When I Googled Comeback Kid, I discovered that 40 years ago there was a movie staring Jon Ritter from the TV show Three's Company and Susan Dey from the Partridge Family. It was not what I was looking for. The Comeback Kid is a label that is simply used to refer to...
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo
Consumers Crave Open & Honest Relationships
Last month I was cleaning out my email inbox and found an article from 2018 from Mediapost that I had been saving for the future. Today is the future. As much as things have changed this year, I'm sure you'll agree that somethings have changed very little. The...
Invite Them To Be Your Customer
Would you ever consider attending a wedding for which you had not received an invitation? Would you go to someone’s home for dinner without first receiving a formal invite? Do you think your customers, and the community in general, will walk into your place of...
Radio To The Rescue
What advertising and marketing medium should I use right now, is a question I hear all the time and especially now. As you know, I have spent the majority of my life in the radio business, starting out as a teenage disc jockey and then 10 years later moving to the...
The Timeless Truths in Marketing
2020 is not the year we were expecting when we were making our resolutions a few months ago is it? State after state has issued some form of stay-at-home order to protect their citizens from Covid-19. While I just stated the obvious, I'm going to delve into the not so...
Preparing For the ReOpening
Most of America has been on lock-down for awhile. #StayAtHome orders and #SocialDistancing along with the reminders to #WashYourHands have impacted our lives forever. While we are all experiencing the same Coronavirus pandemic around the globe, we are all experiencing...
Forget Plan B, It’s Time for Plan C
An Opportunity to Evolve…Create a Category “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Right now, lemons are definitely being thrown at many businesses. Are you open to making a different kind of lemonade? Just a few short months ago, at the beginning of December...
Learn From The Best
It's a weird and wacky world out there right now. We are hearing stories about the record number of people who are filing for unemployment, the devastating stories of people dying from this mystery virus that we have yet to get a handle on because it is new to the...
Work From Home Tips
Preparing for WFH If you google search “WFH”, you will learn that there are approximately 16 different acronyms for WFH. But due to our recent events, the two most recognizable are “Work from Home” or “Working from Home”. Before COVID-19, it was estimated that...