Today I'm going update a topic that I've spoken on previously. Who is the Spokesperson for your Business? Yes, it's the people who answer the phone, who greet the customers, and the ones that interact face to face or online. But that is different. I'm referring to...
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo
Friendly Competition
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is a sometimes quoted and often misquoted saying that is credited to the book The Art of War from over 4000 years ago and the Godfather Part 2 movie a mere 40 years ago. While much has been said about that quote, today...
20 Years, One Day At A Time
I'm going to get personal this week. I'm also going to weave some lessons for your business into this story. Today, March 17th is not only St. Patty's Day... This is also my wedding anniversary. Number 20 for my wife Kathy and myself. She selected this day because of...
How Are Your Reviews?
People are talking about you. You probably don't know half the things they are saying. Unless you are diligently monitoring online social media, review sites and chat rooms, you don't know unless someone tells you what they saw. How important are these reviews?...
Caring About Your Customers
If you want to earn a consumers business this year, you have to appeal to what matters most to them. That statement is true if you are selling Land Rovers or if you are running a dollar store. It's also been a truth that has been around forever, but now I have a fresh...
The Significance of 200 Episodes
The Scott Howard Genuine ScLoHo Media & Marketing Podcast turns 200 this week. To me, that's a little bit of a bragging right. For you, perhaps it will give you a little bit of confidence or trust in what you are reading or listening to. Indulge me for a moment...
Is It Time To Fall Out Of Love With Digital Ads?
It's not all it's cracked up to be. The whole magical world of digital advertising online. For the past decade plus, I've seen study after study after study that talked about the shift in advertising from traditional ads to digital ads. As a point of reference,...
Creating Success with WOWO Radio in 2021
As much as we want to kiss the year 2020 good-bye and move forward as if it never happened, we can't. And we shouldn't. 12 months ago all of us were planning on a very different year than what unfolded in 2020. The economy seemed to be moving forward after a market...
Forget Politics
Man oh man, has this been a wild year. Besides a world wide pandemic that we still don't fully understand, we are winding down an outrageous political election season in the United States that on a national scale we won't know the results of until after the special...