The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo

Is It Time To Fall Out Of Love With Digital Ads?

Is It Time To Fall Out Of Love With Digital Ads?

It's not all it's cracked up to be. The whole magical world of digital advertising online. For the past decade plus, I've seen study after study after study that talked about the shift in advertising from traditional ads to digital ads. As a point of reference,...

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Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part 3)

Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part 3)

As we move toward a new year, many business owners are attempting to figure out the best bang for their buck when it comes to marketing and advertising. If you are in the Northeast Indiana region, specifically Fort Wayne, Indiana and nearby communities and you want to...

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Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part Two)

Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part Two)

I was reading a blog post last week from the Radio Advertising Bureau that includes several facts and figures I am going to share with you in this 2nd part of an ongoing series as to why WOWO radio is your best choice for advertising. But first, a little comparison of...

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