Here we are in the summer of 2022 and due to some recent business meetings I've had, I need to give you a piece of advice that I've said repeatedly over the years. Own Your Space. Not just any space, but your space online. This applies to you as a person and if you...
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo
Tell The Truth
This week I have a message to those people who are in the advertising and marketing world and I am going to also apply it to those of you who are simply in the business world. The message is one your parents, pastor and teachers told you repeatedly from the time you...
Are You The Alternative?
Everyday each of us are faced with multiple decisions. Some are mundane, others are life changing. Deciding which socks to wear, what to have for breakfast including which flavor coffee I was going to brew, all decisions that I made before I started my workday. Every...
Local Connections Matter
Last Thursday, a couple things happened that I'm going to share with you. First off, a little after 6 in the morning, I got a message from an old friend of mine from my youth who told me he was in town and wanted to get together. He had me pick a place and I selected...
Is Generational Relatability An Issue?
We're going to talk about generational differences today and how they impact our relationships with others that are older or younger than us. Last month, Mediapost shared a Quick Refresher on Demographics and that was part of the inspiration for this along with some...
More Powerful Than Digital Advertising
Over the past couple of decades, the biggest growth in advertising expenditures has been digital. I'm talking about nearly anything online, from websites, to apps, to Google ads, Social Media Ads, all of it together has consistently seen growth in the double digits,...
The Trust Factor
A couple of Thursday mornings ago, a couple things happened before 8am. An email from Insider Radio that included the headline: Americans May Love Social Media, But Survey Finds It’s Radio That They Trust. Also it was the beginning of day 2 of a weather-induced work...
Are You Living In The Past?
There is an old perception among TV people that "everyone watches the Olympics". Because of this, the old broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox usually air reruns of regular shows instead of new episodes. (NBC is the official network this year). However there...
The Scott Howard Genuine ScLoHo Media and Marketing Podcast
This year marks the completion of 5 years of creating, hosting, recording and producing a weekly podcast and it seems like an appropriate time to introduce myself or reintroduce if we've been friends for awhile. By the way, don't worry when I say completion, I...