A couple of Thursday mornings ago, a couple things happened before 8am. An email from Insider Radio that included the headline: Americans May Love Social Media, But Survey Finds It’s Radio That They Trust. Also it was the beginning of day 2 of a weather-induced work...
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo
Are You Living In The Past?
There is an old perception among TV people that "everyone watches the Olympics". Because of this, the old broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox usually air reruns of regular shows instead of new episodes. (NBC is the official network this year). However there...
The Scott Howard Genuine ScLoHo Media and Marketing Podcast
This year marks the completion of 5 years of creating, hosting, recording and producing a weekly podcast and it seems like an appropriate time to introduce myself or reintroduce if we've been friends for awhile. By the way, don't worry when I say completion, I...
Brand Building For 2022
When you own and operate a business and you live and breathe it, often, it’s difficult to see when things change. As they say, sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. When is the last time you had a Brand Health Check-Up? Only politicians can succeed...
Wrap Up and Step Up
Twas the end of December and all through the land, Lots of creatures were stirring, children, woman and man. The hustle and bustle of the holidays are here, And nearly everyone is attempting to be of good cheer. The retailers are hoping to rake in more bucks, While...
The Giving Time of the Year
Blessed to be a blessing is a phrase I heard a long time ago and right now I see a lot of it going on. It's a quiet Sunday afternoon as I compose these words for this weeks featured article on my website and podcast and I'm thinking about a multitude of things. It's...
Can You Stop For A Moment?
As the General Sales Manager of WOWO radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I lead a team of advertising sales people and marketing consultants and on Thursdays we gather for an hour for a Local Sales Team Meeting. Naturally we will skip this week because Thursday is...
As we approach the end of 2021, I'm looking to add to my advertising sales team at WOWO Radio. I just started running a radio ad that mentions a $5000 sign-on bonus going to the next person who qualifies that I hire. Here's the text of the ad or if you would like to...
ReOrganizing The WorkPlace
In less than 2 months it will be 2022, nearly two years since the American Lifestyle was disrupted due to a mysterious virus we call Covid-19. The pandemic and our response to it created a acceleration of certain changes that were happening but at a slower pace. For...