The top 10 busiest shopping days typically account for about 40% of all holiday shopping visits to physical stores. (2019 was 46.5% of the total season’s brick-and-mortar traffic whereas in “2020 COVID”, the busiest shopping days accounted for 35.2%). Source: Forbes...
Sound ADvice
Customer Trust Builds Customer Loyalty
In last week’s article and podcast episode which featured material from my SoundADvice newsletter, I mentioned that when all things are equal, the decision we use to determine who we purchase from is based on… perception! And that perception is, who’s better, who’s...
What’s Your Edge?
In the world of selling products and services, when all things are equal, the decision we use to determine who we purchase from is based on… perception! And that perception is, who’s better, who’s more trustworthy, and who’s more reliable! In most cases, many...
A Lesson in Business from the Business of Baseball
Long before baseball was known as BIG business it was known as America’s favorite pastime! But the truth be told, it’s always been a business and some valuable lessons can be learned by looking at how a baseball organization is run. As a fan, we look at baseball as...
A Bottle of Happiness
Today, I'm going to share with you a story that began 135 years ago. Coca-Cola taught the world to sing in perfect harmony and it also taught all of us some great marketing lessons! On May 8th, 1886, Dr. John Pemberton sold his first glass of Coca-Cola at Jacobs...
Transactional vs Relational Customers
One is more profitable. One is more needy. Both are important to the overall success of a business. Understanding how to identify each type and how to turn transactional customers, when possible, into relational can be a huge boost to your business. Every business...
The Value of a Single Customer
When a person walks through the doors of your business, in-person or online, and purchases something from you for the first time, at that moment, they become your customer, your patient, or your client. The question is, what is the value of that individual to your...
Media or the Message
In the never-ending maze of online media, on-air media, outdoor media, direct mail, and print media, business owners often ask, “Which media work best?” or, “Which media platforms will give me the highest return on my investment?” If you ask an honest and...
Set The Bait
Whether it’s fishing, hunting, selling, or advertising, setting the bait is key to alluring or attracting that which you are trying to capture. Since the beginning of time, it’s been known that you only have one opportunity to make a good first impression and...