Over the years I have watched and participated in the growth of Social Media, especially Twitter. While Indiana is not often thought of as a hot bed of social media, we have a pretty good representation, both professionals and non-pros. Fort Wayne native Amy Stark...
ScLoHo’s Web World
Are You Mobile Friendly?
It started as a smartphone revolution. Then the tablets arrived and it became the norm. Mobile. It's the way we connect to the internet that is not on a desktop or laptop computer. It's also those apps that are on your phone or tablet. A company that I used to work...
Thank You BufferApp for Being Open & Transparent
I am impressed by the folks at BufferApp.com. Today they were hacked. We've heard plenty of horror stories about privacy breaches resulting in identity theft and the like when a business or organization gets hacked, and yet rarely do they reach out to alert you. It...
Free Cloud Storage with Dropbox
This is for those of you who do not have a Dropbox account yet. And those of you that do, I've got a tip for you too. Over the past 10 years, the growth in computing devices has sky rocketed. Most of us have gone from having a desktop computer at work to also having a...
Messing Up Online
It happened to a friend of mine recently. She posted a picture via Twitter. But it was not the picture she wanted to share with the world. (No, it wasn't one of those kind of pictures.) It was her combination to her new lock. She didn't even realize it and probably...
You May/May Not Appear in a Google Ad
I seem to be continuing a theme of how our privacy is affected by internet companies that we more or less trust. You can read what I wrote about the Privacy Tradeoff and Web Trust earlier this week. Today the discussion continues because some friends of mine started...
Web Trust?
Yesterday, I addressed the issue of a Privacy Tradeoff. The slant I took was we have been giving away our private information for a long, long time and it's not something we can reverse, nor should we fear it unless we are living a secret life that we don't others to...
The Privacy Tradeoff
This past week Facebook and Google either made changes or announced they were going to be making changes with how they use your information. It has some folks up in arms. I've seen posts on Facebook pages asking people to untag them from photos and stuff. It's a...
Hoarding Your Gmail with Backups
A couple of discussions recently about Gmail prompted me to write and share this with you today. First of all, let's talk about how Gmail works. This also applies to Yahoo mail and the multiple Microsoft based versions of hotmail they keep coming out with. All of...