If you are a local business that bought advertising time on your local Fox TV affiliate to air in the 2017 Super Bowl, I'd like to talk to you about the money you wasted. If you are a business that bought advertising time on the Fox TV Network for the 2017 Super Bowl,...
ScLoHo’s Media
Is Traditional Media Dead?
So really...Is Traditional Media Dead? I'm going to look at this subject from a marketers perspective. And a consumers viewpoint. And focus on just one piece of the traditional media, daily newspapers. Lots of businesses rely on traditional media and advertising...
If Politicians Advertise on the Radio, Should You?
Over the next 5 weeks, I am sharing the 5 most shared articles I've published in the past 12 months. As we prepare for the final week of the 2016 Election cycle, this look back on the 2015 election still has some truths to consider: WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne is...
Why Does a Radio Guy Also Sell Digital Marketing Solutions?
It's a question that some people ask out loud and others may not ask me directly but they are thinking, "Why Does a Radio Guy Also Sell Digital Marketing Solutions?" Excellent question. Here's the answer. My background is in radio. From the time I was 16 until I was...
How Technology is Shrinking Traditional TV Viewership
I recall a few years ago watching the Emmy awards and wondering if any of the major broadcast networks were going to win any awards. By broadcast networks, I mean the networks that you can watch over a traditional television without cable or internet. In most cities...
What Are You Doing Differently?
I'm just going to toss out a few items and you can fact check them if you want because I'm not going to hyperlink the sources, there's too many and I'm sort of busy these days. I want you to answer a question... that question is what are you doing differently? If you...
Do You Know What C.A.T. Is?
Around the radio station we talk about offering a "CAT" advertising solution as one of the methods to help our advertising partners. But most of you are clueless if I were to ask you, "Do You Know What C.A.T. Is?" That's alright because I'm going to take a couple days...
What Happens When I Google You?
Our previous article talked about making sure you put together a marketing strategy plan by asking and answering the right questions in the right order. But hand-in-hand with that, I also need you to consider, What Happens When I Google You? I do this all the time....
Who Listens to News Talk WOWO Radio in #FortWayne
Ever wonder what kind of people listen to News Talk Radio during political seasons? I'm talking about my station, WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana and News Talk formatted radio stations all over the country. Nielsen released a study this month that, "looked at...