ScLoHo’s Media

Why WOWO Radio Will Outlast The Naysayers

Why WOWO Radio Will Outlast The Naysayers

NewsTalk 1190 WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana is going to be 100 years old soon.  Despite the most recent doomsday report that AM and FM radio stations would be obsolete before WOWO hits 100, I'm here to present some real reasons that the report is both right and...

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How I Can Help You Invite People To Give You Money

How I Can Help You Invite People To Give You Money

About 18 months ago I wrote a list of some of the advertising options I offered as a member of the WOWO Radio Advertising Sales Team. Time for a fresh spin and update and if you want to listen to the podcast version instead, click here or scroll down to the end of...

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It’s Media Report Card Time!

It’s Media Report Card Time!

Yesterday I was reading an article from so you don't have to, no, really I do enjoy looking at this kind of stuff and pulling out some of the highlights. It relates to an upcoming podcast episode and article I wrote that will be debuting in a...

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What’s a ScLoHo?

What’s a ScLoHo?

At the end of 2016, I was preparing to launch a podcast version of the weekly articles I have been writing and  publishing on The Genuine ScLoHo website and this is the very first episode that you can also listen to. Here's the link to this episode.   Now that we have...

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