The concept of How To Conquer The World is pretty vast and could apply to a multitude of applications, so I'm going to limit this article to the stuff that I've learned for 50 years, since I was a 7 year old kid. I'm also going to talk about the world of business and...
ScLoHo’s Fort Wayne
Why WOWO Radio Will Outlast The Naysayers
NewsTalk 1190 WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana is going to be 100 years old soon. Despite the most recent doomsday report that AM and FM radio stations would be obsolete before WOWO hits 100, I'm here to present some real reasons that the report is both right and...
Where Do You Get Your News?
Where do you get your local news? Is traditional media dead yet? These two questions have been on my mind for quite awhile and then last month we learned that a Fort Wayne news institution was making a major change: The News-Sentinel is ending distribution of its...
What’s a ScLoHo?
At the end of 2016, I was preparing to launch a podcast version of the weekly articles I have been writing and publishing on The Genuine ScLoHo website and this is the very first episode that you can also listen to. Here's the link to this episode. Now that we have...
It’s Not WHO YOU Know, It’s Who KNOWS YOU
The last few months I've noticed something that may have been going on longer than just the last few months. Here's that something: The number of people who know me and see me face to face in "unplanned meets" has become substantial. Let me define "unplanned meets". I...
The Christian Battlefield
I'm in the middle of reposting the 5 most shared articles I've published in the past 12 months. As we get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas, this reminder is from last November: There is a video on social media that is calling out Starbucks for their choice of an...
Time to Apply for Penny Pitch 2016
The time is now for local charities to apply to be a chosen organization that will receive funds from WOWO Radio's annual Penny Pitch fundraiser that will take place this fall. Click here to get the details on how to apply and do it A.S.A.P. This will be my 4th year...
Media & Marketing Your Business in 2016
This week I was asked by my friend Kevin Mullett to sit on a panel for the Social Media/Marketing Breakfast that he emcee's each month in Fort Wayne, Indiana along with Ric Johnson from Xymmetrix. The topic was Online Reputation Management which included a great...
The #FortWayne April 19th Job Fair
Once again, WOWO Radio and Federated Media is hosting another job and career fair that is absolutely free to attend. All the costs have been paid by the companies that will have booths at the event April 19th. Doors will be open to the public from 2pm to 6pm at...