Click on the pic to find out more about this Fort Wayne organization.
ScLoHo’s Fort Wayne
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
Let's go to downtown Fort Wayne this week. The University of Saint Francis has been purchasing some landmark buildings and restoring and renovating them. Click on the Pic to visit one of those projects.
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
Continuing my mission to help you learn more about Fort Wayne, Indiana, by turning the spotlight on a locally based website. I do this once a week and you're free to share via social media. Also visit the website by clicking on the picture and stop in and say hi to...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
Someone needs this. If not you, someone you know. It could be a family member, a co-worker, or a friend. Click on the pic to go to the website.
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
The story behind this week's featured website is an amazing one. I've known one of the two founders for just a couple of years and when I met Joe, he was in an entirely different line of work. He was new to Fort Wayne and was ready to return to Michigan and start a...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
I discovered a new one for you just a couple of days ago. Supporting local businesses whenever possible is important and this site will connect you with a few in the downtown area. Just click on pic!
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
I was talking to a friend and co-worker Friday and he was complaining about how he has been without his laptop for a week because he took it to the "wrong" local repair shop. After listening to his sob story I told him about a place I discovered years ago, this weeks...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
This week's featured website is the online home of a downtown establishment that opened 7 years ago. I was there with the Mrs. on a recent Saturday evening for a quick after-dinner warm-up. She had a Smithwick's Irish Ale, while I consumed a cup of Skibbereen’s...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
The 1st of 50+ Fort Wayne area based websites for 2014. Click on their logo.