It's been a few weeks but on April 8th millions of us in the United States were in the path of a solar eclipse. Here in Indiana, the main event was shortly after 3pm as the moon blocked the light from the sun for a few minutes. Where I live, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, we...
ScLoHo’s Fort Wayne
What Happened to Our Newspaper?
I get to work with all kinds of businesses, new ones, old ones, online only and brick and mortar only along with many that are some kind of combination of all these factors. This is the final few months for one of my favorite clients in Fort Wayne, a retail shop that...
Make The Right Adjustments
"We gotta do something" That's been the theme for 2022 from many business people. So they prepare to Make Adjustments. Making Adjustments is neither good or bad. Actually it is something that all of us are doing all the time. The question that often comes up is "What...
The Giving Time of the Year
Blessed to be a blessing is a phrase I heard a long time ago and right now I see a lot of it going on. It's a quiet Sunday afternoon as I compose these words for this weeks featured article on my website and podcast and I'm thinking about a multitude of things. It's...
Maybe it’s the Weather…
Going to do some personal reflections on this Sunday... You may wonder, why? I thought this website was all about business, media and marketing stuff?! Yes that has been the focus for the past several years but I've sprinkled in some personal posts too. This habit of...
State of The Station for WOWO Summertime 2021
Here we are in the middle of June 2021 and this weeks article and podcast is a little different from my usual weekly updates. Today an update on what is going on at WOWO radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from an insiders perspective as we peak behind the curtain and give...
Friendly Competition
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is a sometimes quoted and often misquoted saying that is credited to the book The Art of War from over 4000 years ago and the Godfather Part 2 movie a mere 40 years ago. While much has been said about that quote, today...
Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part 3)
As we move toward a new year, many business owners are attempting to figure out the best bang for their buck when it comes to marketing and advertising. If you are in the Northeast Indiana region, specifically Fort Wayne, Indiana and nearby communities and you want to...
Work for WOWO
The final weeks of 2021 are here and I have an update for you. I just started running an ad for an advertising sales account executive to join my team at WOWO. And I've included a healthy hiring bonus. Here's the text of the radio ad: It’s true. Everyone is hiring....