In last week’s article and podcast episode which featured material from my SoundADvice newsletter, I mentioned that when all things are equal, the decision we use to determine who we purchase from is based on… perception! And that perception is, who’s better, who’s...
ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom
Not All Radio Listeners Are Equal
I've got a few decades of media and marketing experience and I hunger to learn more and more. So this summer I was catching up on my reading and found a story that talks about 6 types of radio listeners and what they want and get from listening to their favorite...
The Effectiveness of Your Advertising
I recently got into a bit of a "discussion" with the owner of an advertising agency regarding a client that we both have. It was interesting because the owner of the advertising agency didn't understand the effectiveness factor of the ad campaign we've been airing on...
8 Principles to Improve Your Life and Business
A couple of weeks ago, I was reading an article on titled: 8 Pillars of a Satisfied and Happy Life. Here's a link to it: It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon as I read it and...
Radio is Back On The Road
It's back. Radio is back on the road. In case you haven't noticed this summer, a lot of us have been doing what we were discouraged from doing last summer. Spring and Summer 2020 was the year of cancelled vacations, limited gatherings and working from home. 2021 has...
Follow The Leader Off The Cliff
Are you a Follower? Or are you a Leader? A couple weeks ago I read a statistic about advertising spending that didn't surprise me but kind of made me sad. It’s estimated that this year, digital advertising will account for nearly 67% of all media spending. That was...
Brand Building in Dollars and Sense
Did you notice the title of this article has a play on words? Or did you think it was just a typo? Brand Building in Dollars and Sense with the word Sense spelled not like the cents we use to refer to money but as sense, as it makes sense or common sense which people...
Audio Insights
Of the 5 senses most of us are born with, some have different filtering properties. Those 5 human senses are Taste Touch Sight Hearing Smell Some of these might diminish as we get older, the most common ones are sight and hearing. Others vary depending on the...
Why Your TV Ads Are Not Working
It's not nice to bad mouth others and I try to avoid it. I also want to be truthful. Over the next few weeks, I am sharing some information that might sound like I'm bad mouthing others, however I am more interested in providing you with the truth about advertising...