The other day I shared with you The Power of WOWO Radio Live Endorsement Ads. Today, an article from that digs deeper: Personality makes a difference Tammy Greenberg, RAB Radio station personalities are arguably the single most important differentiator for...
ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom
The WOWO App & Are You Mobile Friendly?
My radio station WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana, just released a new smartphone app as one of our improvements for 2016. You can find it here for Android and for those of you Apple fans, go here. We just revised our website this year too with a cleaner, less...
Good Things Happen When Consumers Trust You
As an ongoing student of human relationship principles in marketing, I try to be observant. Sometimes, I see anecdotal evidence, other times things just fall in my lap, or email. Recently sent me an email that included this chart. Take a look and...
Where Can I Get A 17 to 1 Return On My Investment?
Recently with all the ups and downs in the market, mostly downs, I received a note from my broker not to worry, all will be okay. That's great, but I'd rather have someone tell me how to earn money instead of lose it or gamble with it. Another email I received this...
Human Relationships in Marketing is Missing the Mark
Yesterday I shared an article I wrote on the Human Relationship Factor in Advertising. Today I have results from a study shared by Mediapost that goes into deeper detail. I bolded a few items that caught my attention: Engage With Customers One-To-One According...
New Rules for Marketing to Grandparents
Being a grandparent is much different than it was 40 years ago when I was a teen and my grandmother was alive. It's also much different than 20 years ago when my parents were grandpa and grandma. I became a step-grandpa when I married in 2001. My wife's son, had a...
Are You Getting Your 3 Percent Increase This Christmas?
The folks at released a whole bunch of data this month that says that most retailers can expect at least a 3% increase in sales this holiday season compared to last year. There are a whole bunch of qualifications to that statement and you can read...
10 Reasons You Want To Market to Baby Boomers on WOWO Radio
Over the weekend, I was catching up on my email inbox and discovered this article about Baby Boomers from Mediapost. Over half the audience to my radio station, WOWO radio is age 50 and older, nearly 80,000 weekly listeners. Number two according to the rating survey...
The Purchasing Power of Boomers
I see so many businesses that are missing out on making money. Lots and lots of money. What are they doing? Ignoring the Baby Boomers and not inviting them to spend their money with them. But don't take my word for it. Read this from Mediapost: Boomers Control $14...