Television viewing habits continue to shift. Have your advertising expenditures shifted too? It's time to examine the trends for your business. 200 Channels and there is nothing on The TV shift is real in 2017 and will only continue in the years ahead. Television...
ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom
Everyone Needs A Little Love
Last month a couple of research articles about marketing to different generations hit my inbox. One was talking about generational differences and the other was talking about similarities. So the title of this update, Everyone Needs A Little Love is based on what I...
Does Christie Brinkley Listen to WOWO Radio?
I was reading an article from Mediapost that mentioned that baby boomers who are becoming senior citizens are not what you might expect. To illustrate their point they pointed out that at age 63, Christie Brinkley could be considered a "senior". She is a Baby Boomer...
It’s Media Report Card Time!
Yesterday I was reading an article from so you don't have to, no, really I do enjoy looking at this kind of stuff and pulling out some of the highlights. It relates to an upcoming podcast episode and article I wrote that will be debuting in a...
What Happens if You Don’t Value Your Fans
Friday I read Seth Godin's post reflecting on the move of the NFL team, the Oakland Raiders to Vegas. It's eye opening and worth sharing, that's one reason I'm sharing it today. It's also a subject I'll talk about more in an upcoming podcast and post on this...
Meaningful Marketing Messages to Boomers
I have been reading a series from Mediapost, What We've Learned About Marketing To Baby Boomers and this month they published part 3. Why do I care? First off, I've been studying marketing and advertising for 3 decades. 2nd, the radio station I work for WOWO, has a...
How Does Social Media Fit in Marketing Your Business?
Years ago, a friend of mine named Anthony gave a presentation on the power of Word of Mouth via Facebook. It opened a lot of eyes. Businesses that were looking to advertise and get more customers started to rethink the way they were doing things with traditional...
Insight on WOWO Radio Listeners
A couple of tidbits of information that applies to the listeners of my radio station, WOWO, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For the past 20 years WOWO has been a news/talk radio station, (out of 90+ years on the air.) Last month we received results from the rating service we...
Step Up Your Online Customer Experience
The other day I shared an article that urged you to consider how customer focused you and your business are. Today, a deeper dig into some specifics. This great insight from Laurie Petersen arrived in my inbox from Mediapost this week about improvements each of us...