Really? The Personal ScLoHo

6 down, 6 to go…

I wrote these words on Wednesday night, the first of July but saved them for the weekend. We have wrapped up 6 months of 2015 with less than 6 months until 2016 and all around me the world is changing. I'm not talking about the political world, cultural world or any...

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Friday Randomness

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I would update my series on Advertising with WOWO Radio that I first shared in February.   It's coming, I assure you. However this month I have been writing articles that delve into the personal side more frequently.  That's fine, I...

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Spreading Wings

Family and Friends. You chose your friends and your family, well hopefully you are friends with them too. I am amazed at life and the growing up process that I see around me. Take for example this picture from a few years ago snapped a few summers ago in downtown Fort...

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The People Factor

How are your people skills?  How are your relationship skills? How is your work environment, people wise? Tuesday I was with about 20 coworkers from WOWO and other Federated Media radio stations.  We were going through a class/workshop that everyone in our company...

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Living the T.H.I.N.K. Life

As always, it is a busy weekend at our church.  My wife and I attend the Saturday service at 5pm at Holy Cross Lutheran in Fort Wayne and it was graduation day for the 8th graders from the school. The pastor delivering the message, Pastor Tom Ahlersmeyer talked about...

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Welcome Home, One Year Later

We have now officially been in our home a full year.  This we expect to be our last move. It's the 3rd or 4th place Kathy and I have called home since we married in 2001.  We started in her house. No, I wasn't homeless, I was back in town helping my Mom prepare to...

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