Really? The Personal ScLoHo


No matter how much or how little you have, be thankful. You are not in a competition with others despite the multiple ways our world tells us we are. All you can do is to be your best you. Thankfulness comes from within. Enjoy your day today, but more important, focus...

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He Would Have Been 85 Today

My Dad passed away in 1998, the day after Mother's Day.  People commented at the funeral that he was young.  He was 67 and it really didn't strike me as young. But today would have been his 85th Birthday and I know a few folks who are around that age and I wonder....

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Two Months Left

Welcome to the end of 2015. I know, we have two full months to go, but the key word is full. Life will be busy with end of year stuff and personal time off with holidays and what not. In a blink of an eye, we'll be living life in 2016. Take the time now to plan, both...

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What Happens When You Say No

Random thoughts from the weekend about the 168 hours each of us have each week: I get invitations to all kinds of things that I could do. Sometimes it's an event that sounds like fun, it might be thought provoking. Sometimes it's an opportunity to hang out with...

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14 years later

It's September 11th again.  9-11-01 was the day that Baby Boomers like myself and my kids had our worlds changed by an act of war. We read in history books about World War 1 and 2; Korea; and Vietnam.  Even though I was alive when the United States left Vietnam, I...

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A Message For Young Women (and Men)

I don't think I've ever done this before.  I am about to share a message that was being shared on Facebook on my own website. I've titled it: A Message For Young Women (and Men). I'm a Dad.  My kids and stepkids are all out of the house and on their own.  Some have...

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