I'm in the middle of reposting the 5 most shared articles I've published in the past 12 months. As we get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas, this reminder is from last November: There is a video on social media that is calling out Starbucks for their choice of an...
Really? The Personal ScLoHo
Talking Points
From the 2011 ScLoHo archives, seems like this is even more necessary as each year passes: Want to live a richer, more interesting life? Step out of your usual circles of like minded folks and talk with those with opposing views. But.... Instead of...
Memes and Birthday Wishes on Facebook
A peek into the personal, fun side of ScLoHo. If you are connected to me on Facebook and have had a birthday recently, I may have "memed you" on Facebook. I'll show you some examples in a second, but here's the reason. Facebook can be a wonderful tool to stay in touch...
Eliminate Spam From Your Inbox
I hate spam. It's not a tasty treat and it's pretty annoying when it fills your email inbox too. So today, I'm going to reach out to those of you who are still using Yahoo!, Hotmail, or heaven-forbid, AOL as your main email account. I used to be one of you and it...
Phone Call From The Cat
On this 3 day weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to take a break from my usual postings and share something funny, weird, or just strange. This week my wife called and apparently she just dialed the phone for the cat. This was on my voicemail: If you listen...
Passion or Persistence?
Tuesday was the monthly #SMBFW and Kevin Mullett lead an interesting discussion that inspired me to write this article today. (#SMBFW stands for Social Marketing Breakfast Fort Wayne, a monthly event that you are welcome to attend on the last Tuesday of the month....
Can You Describe What You Do In Two Words?
Last month I was meeting with someone who was trying to describe his business in 10 minutes and it reminded me of an exercise I do regularly. Narrow down your words to hone in on what makes you ... you. In my business, the radio advertising business, commercials are...
Do You Need A Spring Break?
For college kids, Spring Break was last month. But for most of the K-12 schools in the Fort Wayne area, spring break is the first full week of April. In this world of 24/7 connectivity, do you need to take a break for awhile? Especially if you are on vacation, can...
Did You Notice?
Funny thing about writing blog posts and articles for a website that you have total control and ownership of... I'm talking about this one, ScottHoward.me . The funny thing is I get to decide what to write and when to write and how often and all those other things...