Really? The Personal ScLoHo

The Shower & God

The Shower & God

I don't know about you, but there are certain times that my mind clears and when that happens it is eye opening. Mowing the yard can be one of those times, but that's only part of the year. Often I take time to take the road less traveled in my daily commute. I get to...

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What’s a ScLoHo?

What’s a ScLoHo?

At the end of 2016, I was preparing to launch a podcast version of the weekly articles I have been writing and  publishing on The Genuine ScLoHo website and this is the very first episode that you can also listen to. Here's the link to this episode.   Now that we have...

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It’s Over and You Are Okay

2016 is in the history books.  GONE.  Forever. No matter what you did, it's done. No matter what someone else did or any of us did in 2016... It's time to look forward. Face it. Some people are scared out of their minds as they look to the future. Have empathy. Others...

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