Really? The Personal ScLoHo

New & Shiny or Old & Trusted

New & Shiny or Old & Trusted

This morning I asked on Twitter how many Windows XP computers my friends still have. One friend has two that he uses all the time, another friend and his wife just upgraded last month. Usually there is nothing wrong with sticking with the Old & Trusted.  Sometimes...

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Talking TED

Talking TED

Week 10 of our adventure into TED Talks features Amy Cuddy.   By the way, I scheduled this post back on February 2nd, just like all the other Talking Ted posts.  At the time, I had only viewed one of these videos, the one I featured on February 1st. So we are...

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The Not-Lost Generation

The Not-Lost Generation

Let's talk about hope, despair, motivation, depression, perfect families and dysfunctional families. Oh boy! In the past couple of weeks, I've had conversations with 30 years olds, 40 year olds, 50 year olds and 60 year olds about the current batch of 20 year olds. It...

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Talking TED

Talking TED

We're going international with this TED Talk from TEDGlobal 2009 featuring Bjarke Ingels:  

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The question that popped into my noggin recently was, "Are you being influenced or are you an influencer?" The other day I walked into my "north office" coffee shop and there were about 8 people having a noisy conversation.  One young man was taking it all in, even...

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