Debbie Harry and Blondie from the 80's:
Really? The Personal ScLoHo
3 Ways to Streamline
Last week our company had an "All Sales Team" meeting, to roll out some of the new and improved stuff we can offer our clients. We were in awe afterwards when we heard about one of my co-workers who has a client that is spending over $60,000 a year which is pretty top...
Talking TED
Get ready for Stacey Kramer's 3 minute TED talk and then share it with others.
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
Once a week I feature a different Fort Wayne, Indiana based website to help spread the word about what's going on in the city I live in (and grew up in.) While the sites are selected at random, the sharing is methodical. Once a week used to be Sundays, but now will...
Is Less, More?
We are about to find out. This is my last weekend article for the time being. I've found myself adding an article everyday, 7 days a week and I'm going to reduce that to 5 days a week starting this month of May. A few years ago, I was posting between 30 and 50 times a...
ScLoHo’s Music Video of the Week
Phil Collins is our featured artist today with this haunting video:
The National Minimum Wage Debate
I usually stay away from political issues on this site, but this is not really about politics. I recently found an interactive chart that attempts to show us what someone needs to earn per hour to afford a place to live that is not under a bridge. Where I live, Fort...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
I became aware of this organization a few years ago via some twitter connections. Imagine that. Anyway, I have a lot of respect for Andrew, the E.D. of this organization and the work that is being accomplished in our home town. Click on the pic and check them...
Talking TED
Life is getting busy and TED talks, even though they are less than a half hour, may be too long to watch. No problem. How about 3 minutes? Matt Cutts is an engineer at Google at talks about the power of 30: