UPDATE on 2/28/2023: Despite what I wrote and my intentions a few months ago when I wrote this piece, I am going to be updating more than once a month. Maybe weekly again. We shall see. There's just too much on my mind not to share with you. Last night I felt the...
Really? The Personal ScLoHo
Getting Personal with August Reflections
I'm skipping my usual format for this week's update and going to share some personal stuff instead. Next week's update is already ready but a few things have occurred recently that I decided to share right now. When this article and podcast goes live, I will be...
Is Generational Relatability An Issue?
We're going to talk about generational differences today and how they impact our relationships with others that are older or younger than us. Last month, Mediapost shared a Quick Refresher on Demographics and that was part of the inspiration for this along with some...
The Giving Time of the Year
Blessed to be a blessing is a phrase I heard a long time ago and right now I see a lot of it going on. It's a quiet Sunday afternoon as I compose these words for this weeks featured article on my website and podcast and I'm thinking about a multitude of things. It's...
Can You Stop For A Moment?
As the General Sales Manager of WOWO radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I lead a team of advertising sales people and marketing consultants and on Thursdays we gather for an hour for a Local Sales Team Meeting. Naturally we will skip this week because Thursday is...
Feelin’ Good
How are the feeling right now? Are you: Happy? Sad? Excited? Scared? Hopeful? Hurting? Melancholy? Enthused? No matter what you said you are feeling right now, it's okay. I just randomly came up with 8 possible emotions that you could be feeling at this moment and if...
8 Principles to Improve Your Life and Business
A couple of weeks ago, I was reading an article on Medium.com titled: 8 Pillars of a Satisfied and Happy Life. Here's a link to it: https://medium.com/mind-cafe/8-pillars-of-a-satisfied-and-happy-life-847d98707e81 It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon as I read it and...
Maybe it’s the Weather…
Going to do some personal reflections on this Sunday... You may wonder, why? I thought this website was all about business, media and marketing stuff?! Yes that has been the focus for the past several years but I've sprinkled in some personal posts too. This habit of...
Friendly Competition
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is a sometimes quoted and often misquoted saying that is credited to the book The Art of War from over 4000 years ago and the Godfather Part 2 movie a mere 40 years ago. While much has been said about that quote, today...