Another Downtown Fort Wayne eatery open for weekday lunch. Click on Pic.
Really? The Personal ScLoHo
Start The Conversation
We like to skip the hard stuff in life. This applies to nearly aspect of our lives including: Health Money Family Political Issues Career Relationships Business What prompted me to write this was a Facebook conversation and an in-person conversation about violence and...
Time to Evaluate
We are nearly 1/2 way through 2014. I know, it seems like time is moving so fast. In 6 months and a week, we will be celebrating New Years Eve and now is a good time to evaluate something. Even if you didn't set any resolutions for 2014, or plan any changes, pick...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
A new place in downtown Fort Wayne. Click on pic below.
What’s a Hoosier?
For #TBT or #ThrowBackThursday, this article from the ScLoHo archives circa 2008: One of the most famous Hoosier's was the now retired Indiana University Basketball Coach, Bobby Knight. Hoosier is the nickname for the school. But it also refers to people who live in...
2014 #FortWayne Site of the Week
This organization has been around for 15+ years but I just found them this year. Click on pic below to see what they do.
Man-Up for Father’s Day
Just as last month I was amazed at the various Mom's in my life, this week I was thinking about Dad's . The Mom's were my own, and the two mother in laws that I've had that have all passed away. There's also the Mom of my 3 kids and my wife, the Mom of my 2 stepkids....
An Insiders Note on Fort Wayne Radio in 2014
First a bit of background. I work for a radio station in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I've worked in this business since I was in high school with a couple of breaks, but this has been my chosen career field time and time again. I work for News/Talk 1190 WOWO 92.3 FM as one...
Career or a Job?
A couple of weeks ago, I ran into a former co-worker that I worked with for about a year. She and I both had media backgrounds, but were not working in broadcasting at the time we worked together. The week before, I reached out to a number of my Facebook friends in a...