Really? The Personal ScLoHo

3 Ideas to Change a Life

3 Ideas to Change a Life

Just off the top of my head today, 3 ideas to change a life: Stop and talk with a stranger.  I know as children we are told not to talk to strangers.  But the stuff you learn when you talk to someone you aren't already friends with could be amazing.   And let me...

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The Final 22 Weekends of 2014

The Final 22 Weekends of 2014

Just as we need to plan our work, we can also plan our non-work.  Today is the first day of August and counting this weekend, we have 22 left this year. I know that in the next few weekends, I have 3 events planned including a 2nd birthday party for Emma next weekend,...

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Asking for Help is a Gift

Asking for Help is a Gift

I was wondering what to share today when I recalled a message from a couple of friends I've heard over the years.  Both of these men happen to be Pastors.   Let's approach this in reverse.   When you receive a gift, you are thankful, right?  And when you...

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It’s All In Your Head

It’s All In Your Head

Yes and No. A friend of mine Amber shared online about being sad and how she is determined not to be sad anymore.  While I was surprised to see her post online and then share via Facebook and Twitter a link to what she wrote, it dawned on me, that I had seen what she...

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No Easy Answers

No Easy Answers

Sometimes there are simple answers. Basic math says 4+7=11.  No argument about that, right? But try and find an answer to a problem like poverty, gun violence, (oh, let's stop there), and we can find simple answers too. But not easy answers. A simple answer is like an...

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Sunday Morning Moments

Sunday Morning Moments

I heard the wind blowing outside and the pavement was wet when I glanced out the window of my home office this morning. As I prepared for my typical Sunday morning, I decided to do something untypical for me. Drive, think, talk, pray. Oh sure I do this all the time,...

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3 Steps to Better Life Habits

3 Steps to Better Life Habits

Your life is a collection of habits and a few surprises.  Here's 3 steps to a better life: Examine your routines as habits.  Nearly everything you do is habitual.  Take the time to jot down all of the various habits that you do.  This can be as mundane as always...

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How To Celebrate Independence Day

How To Celebrate Independence Day

Maybe it's just me but it seems like there is a lot of division in our country right now. Political blaming, name calling, protests, you name it, you can find it if you turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or follow along online. Let's take a break from the division...

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Assume the Best

Assume the Best

It's amazing how our attitude and approach to the situations life presents affect the outcome. Ever deal with someone that assumes the worst?  Not fun, is it. So here's a simple challenge for each of us. Examine our attitude before we make any judgments. Ask yourself,...

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