Really? The Personal ScLoHo

The Importance of Framily

The Importance of Framily

Framily is a made up word that was used by Sprint in their cell phone ads. It's Friends and Family.  Or maybe Friends that are as close as Family.  I like that better. Do you have a best friend?  Do you have a best parent? How about a best sibling, cousin, or...

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Why Are You Surprised?

Why Are You Surprised?

Believe it or not, there are very few things in life that should surprise us. Over 90% of our lives are predictable. You wake every day, eat 2 or 3 meals a day and go back to sleep. Most of the other stuff that fills in those hours are routine too. My wife and I go to...

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The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

We live in a world filled with noise.  Sometimes it's the chatter of co-workers, sometimes the tv, sometimes music. Rarely do we listen to silence. When my wife and I sleep, we even have some white noise, a small fan blowing and creating a sound. A couple weeks ago I...

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I’ve Always Done It This Way

I’ve Always Done It This Way

31 years ago, my oldest daughter Rachael was born. About a dozen days ago she and her husband welcomed their 2nd child into this world. While my first 31 years were very different from Rachael's,  her two kids first 31 years are going to be filled with even more...

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#911 13 years later

#911 13 years later

Not much to say today, really. But I will just the same. The news media will be all over this topic today and for those of us who were over 30 on September 11, 2001, we can reflect on how our lives and society has changed during the past 13 years. But what really...

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Sometimes we get caught up in the stuff we have to do. Sometimes we get caught up in the things we need to do. Sometimes we get caught up in the stuff we want to do. Sometimes we are simply caught up in things and stuff that in 5 years won't matter. Sometimes we are...

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Don’t Become Too Busy

Don’t Become Too Busy

August 15th.   A day that I remember due to a conversation with my Mom about 15 years ago.   August 15th was her birthday and it was the birthday of a cousin of mine, Steve Howard. Steve died in a freak traffic accident in his college years.  Every year my...

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