Really? The Personal ScLoHo

Planning for 2015

Planning for 2015

2015 is about 6 weeks away. There really is no reason to act surprised, each of us live by the same calender and clock. But some are better than others at planning ahead. It was December 2013 that I started a new position with a return to the radio and advertising...

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Turning 30

Turning 30

This weekend my son Josh turns 30 years old. He's the middle of my 3 kids and has grown up to be a fine young adult. I was 25 when when he was born and 5 years ago when he turned 25, I created a post on an old blog that I'm going to recreate today:   Once upon a...

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Commercializing Veterans Day

Commercializing Veterans Day

I have some very mixed feelings about this. I like the places that offer a free no-obligation meal or desert to veterans as a salute and thank you. I detest the places that slap a veterans day sale on their latest promotion. Really, what does a mattress sale have to...

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Time To Vote

Time To Vote

Today is voting day in the United States of America. No matter what you think or believe about the state of politics these days, you have an opportunity to vote. Problem is, not enough people will vote today. Even worse is the lack of simple knowledge about the whole...

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Enough With The Scary

Enough With The Scary

I know, I know it's Halloween and Scary Stuff is supposed to happen.  But this post isn't about Halloween.  It's about life in general and our attitudes. It's easy to have a negative attitude when we see things that aren't going well.  And it's also easy to rant and...

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Opportunity To Serve in #FortWayne

Opportunity To Serve in #FortWayne

Save the date: Saturday October 25th I, along with the help of several others are organizing a Leaf Raking Project that morning for a few hours in a Fort Wayne neighborhood in the 46805 zip code. We will gather at Klug Park and spread out in teams in the Frances...

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The Cat That Almost Wasn’t

The Cat That Almost Wasn’t

It's Tuesday evening as I sit at my laptop writing about the cat that almost wasn't. The cat is the 3rd cat that my wife and I have had over the past 13 years.  His name is Napoleon. We got him a couple houses ago, around 2004 or 2005 from the animal shelter.  He was...

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