Really? The Personal ScLoHo

How Do You Pronounce ScLoHo?

How Do You Pronounce ScLoHo?

For #ThrowBackThursday, a reposting of an article I wrote 3 years ago: It seemed so simple to me. ScLoHo. Google it and 99.99% of the time you'll find some reference to me. That was the purpose of creating the word scloho. But yesterday I was reminded that even some...

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How To Lose Friends on Facebook

This is easy. Want to lose a few Facebook friends? Mention something political. Act like a prejudicial buffoon. Call people names. (See what I did there?) Now, you may like to talk about politics and say whatever is on your mind. Go ahead if you want, but this is one...

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Looking Back to Look Forward

I'm going to let you in on a little secret on how to stay focused on where you are going with your life.  You can apply this to your personal relationships, or your work life, or virtually any area that could benefit from this exercise.  I'm going to use my...

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The Importance of You

Recently I was talking with a friend about what we do for a living and what our wives do.  He and I are in the marketing business.  He has a sign shop that creates some pretty unique designs for businesses.  I sell advertising, primarily on WOWO Radio. But our wives...

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Why Write Every Single Day?

An article about habits today, excuse the rambling. Why do we do things over and over and over again? Some things are for survival. We eat, drink, sleep and depending on who we are, we find ways to fill the 24 hours we are given each day with what matters most to us....

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