About 6 weeks ago, I cut our family phone bill by upgrading and switching companies. Since I have been mentioning this to some friends and family, I thought it would be worth sharing with you too. I receive NOTHING from writing and sharing this in any compensation. ...
Monday Money
New Phone & Still Saving
A new update is posted here. Last year I began writing a series of Monday Money tips that chronicled steps that we were taking to save money. Time for an update, and this time it's about cellphones. After buying a Samsung Galaxy S3 in 2012, I had buyers regret. Not...
Are Extended Warranties a Good Deal?
Money Monday focus for today is basically about buying insurance on stuff so you don't have to pay full price to replace it when it breaks. My parents had a Sears Kenmore washer & dryer for over 20 years and every couple of years they would renew the extended...
They Know Everything About You & It’s Okay
So we find out this month that the government has the capability to use "secret courts" to get permission to read our emails and listen to our phone calls. Depending on whose version of the details you believe, this is either a total lack of privacy and we should be...
Saving Another $50
In the next couple of weeks, my car will become indistinguishable. My official Indiana issued ScLoHo licence plate will no longer be displayed on my back bumper. When I renewed my plates this month I opted to go with the standard Indiana plate. It will save me about...
Instead of Spending $200, Spend $10
Seems like nearly every week there's something that comes up that I can turn into a Monday Money story. Would I rather spend $200 or $10? That was the choice I made last week. The ScLoHomobile which I bought last year came with a turn signal problem. Last summer when...
This or That or ?
When you are deciding between buying two things, do you ever consider a third option? I'm thinking of a very specific third option : Buy item A Buy Item B Don't buy either A or B This Monday Money article is about saying no. When I first went grocery shopping with my...
Cat Crap & Your Budget
What's better, the lowest price or the best quality? It depends, and it's entirely up to you. This Monday Money stems from a conversation I had with a friend about cat litter. He noticed that in Sundays paper the price ranged from 9 to 15 dollars for 20 pounds of poop...
How to Cut Your Dining Out Budget by at Least 40%
Monday Money is a series I started late last year when my wife and I discovered we could cut $2,000 to $3,000 from our annual expenses. Besides sharing the original steps we took, I've been occasionally adding additional tips. Before we made the conscious decision to...