Time to share a few personal thoughts and reflections. (When I started writing online, it was a blog called ScLoHo's Really? . It was a personal blog that a few years later combined with a business oriented blog and created this website.) It's Sunday morning December...
Really? The Personal ScLoHo
A Few Personal Thoughts for August 2024
It's the first day of August 2024 as I write these words of an extra article on this website that is a personal reflection, marking a moment in time as we enter the final 5 months of the year. Usually, most of my articles are related to Media, Marketing and Personal...
How Do YOU Give?
Marketing is more than advertising and your brand is more than your logo. Despite the rise of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) it's people that make everything happen still in one degree or another. The people in your organization interact with others and how ever that...
Once in a Lifetime Eclipse
It's been a few weeks but on April 8th millions of us in the United States were in the path of a solar eclipse. Here in Indiana, the main event was shortly after 3pm as the moon blocked the light from the sun for a few minutes. Where I live, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, we...
No Quick Fix
One of the concerns that I sometimes hear when talking to a business owner about investing in an advertising campaign is how long it will take to get results. Or a variation is the opposite... Can we handle all the business we get if we start advertising with your...
Reintroducing ScLoHo
Last week, when I was recording the podcast version of my weekly update I mentioned briefly what a ScLoHo is. Today, that is the focus of both this article and podcast episode. If this is the very first time you've listened to the Scott Howard Genuine ScLoHo Media and...
64 years ago
It's birthday week for yours truly. And there's not much that I want, because if I really want it, I usually buy it myself. Of course the best things in life aren't things that you can buy anyway. I've been doing a lot more reflecting on things lately, compared to a...
Duty Calls
When you are good at something and recognized as being good at it, but you've stepped away from it and now the challenge to return to it comes up, what's your response? That's the position I found myself in earlier this month and it's a position that I've been in...
ScLoHo Changes
UPDATE on 2/28/2023: Despite what I wrote and my intentions a few months ago when I wrote this piece, I am going to be updating more than once a month. Maybe weekly again. We shall see. There's just too much on my mind not to share with you. Last night I felt the...