Monday Money

New or Used?

New or Used?

Continuing with another Monday Money article with a question for each of us to consider: Should I buy a new ______________ or used ____________________? This question we can apply to a good percentage of our purchases every year. Automobiles. Houses. Appliances....

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Saving Sometimes

Saving Sometimes

One reason we don't change our habits and become more frugal and thrifty is it seems like to big of a change. This weeks Monday Money is about taking small steps. There are times when a major step needs to occur, like if you are spending more than you are earning and...

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Caffeine On A Budget

Caffeine On A Budget

Last week I was having a conversation with several Fort Wayne Twitter friends about coffee shops which inspired me to write today's Monday Money article. Caffeine is our topic today. It was a dozen years ago that my soon-to-be-wife introduced me to the local coffee...

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Saving $50 Bucks

Saving $50 Bucks

Before the re-election of President Obama this week, my wife and I started doing a little financial belt tightening. We have usual been pretty good at saving a little here so we could spend a little more over there, so to speak. But as I was watching the non-stop...

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