Continuing with another Monday Money article with a question for each of us to consider: Should I buy a new ______________ or used ____________________? This question we can apply to a good percentage of our purchases every year. Automobiles. Houses. Appliances....
Monday Money
Saving Sometimes
One reason we don't change our habits and become more frugal and thrifty is it seems like to big of a change. This weeks Monday Money is about taking small steps. There are times when a major step needs to occur, like if you are spending more than you are earning and...
Caffeine On A Budget
Last week I was having a conversation with several Fort Wayne Twitter friends about coffee shops which inspired me to write today's Monday Money article. Caffeine is our topic today. It was a dozen years ago that my soon-to-be-wife introduced me to the local coffee...
How We Are Saving $2500 (Part 3)
Since I wrote this, I've updated our phone service again. Read about it here. Week 3 in this Monday Money series has to do with saving $912 per year on our cellphone bill. A dozen years ago we became a cellphone family. I inherited my mom's Tracphone when she passed...
How We Are Saving $2500 (Part 2)
Last week I started a short series that I'm calling Monday Money. At the end of October, my wife and I decided to look at our monthly expenses and see if there were any ways to live more frugally. In the next 5 days, I found a way to save over $2500 over the next 12...
Owning Our Home Outright!
My wife decided to parody my series on Frugal Living. (It's called Monday Money and began when I found how a few changes could result in more than $2500 in savings.) She posted this on her Facebook page: OWNING OUR HOME OUTRIGHT! At these prices, who could afford not...
Breathing New Life into an Old Droid
I few days ago I brought my old Motorola Droid smartphone back to life. It's part of my plan to save over $2500 in the next year. I am giving the details in a series I started yesterday called Monday Money. Next month I'll share with you how my Droid fit's into this...
How We Are Saving $2500 (Part 1)
I'm starting a short series that I'm calling Monday Money. At the end of October, my wife and I decided to look at our monthly expenses and see if there were any ways to live more frugally. In the next 5 days, I found a way to save over $2500 over the next 12 months....
Saving $50 Bucks
Before the re-election of President Obama this week, my wife and I started doing a little financial belt tightening. We have usual been pretty good at saving a little here so we could spend a little more over there, so to speak. But as I was watching the non-stop...