I was reading a blog post last week from the Radio Advertising Bureau that includes several facts and figures I am going to share with you in this 2nd part of an ongoing series as to why WOWO radio is your best choice for advertising. But first, a little comparison of...
WOWO Fort Wayne Radio Advertising with Scott Howard
Radio versus Social Media
For the past few years, President Donald Trump has called the major news media Fake News. Meanwhile the commentators on the networks and news organization he calls Fake, call the Presidents favorite channel Fake News. I'm not about to dive into a political rabbit...
Work for WOWO
The final weeks of 2021 are here and I have an update for you. I just started running an ad for an advertising sales account executive to join my team at WOWO. And I've included a healthy hiring bonus. Here's the text of the radio ad: It’s true. Everyone is hiring....
Why WOWO is the Best Choice for Advertising (Part One)
Today I'm kicking off an occasional series of Why WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana is the Best Choice for Advertising Your Business. I am calling it an occasional series because, every few weeks I'll add another article interspersed with the other articles I share...
Breaking The Rule Of 3
Last week I shared with you the "rule of 3". It's a standard rule in communication that says in order for a message to really be remembered, you have to hear it 3 times. Feel free to go back and read about how this is used in teaching and preaching. In the advertising...
Reboot Your Business
Do you remember at the end of 2019 how we thought it would be really cool to hear Barbara Walters welcome in the new year by saying,"This is 2020", the way she did for 25 years. Little did we know what kind of year 2020 would be, not just in our own little worlds but...
Radio To The Rescue
What advertising and marketing medium should I use right now, is a question I hear all the time and especially now. As you know, I have spent the majority of my life in the radio business, starting out as a teenage disc jockey and then 10 years later moving to the...
The Timeless Truths in Marketing
2020 is not the year we were expecting when we were making our resolutions a few months ago is it? State after state has issued some form of stay-at-home order to protect their citizens from Covid-19. While I just stated the obvious, I'm going to delve into the not so...
Learn From The Best
It's a weird and wacky world out there right now. We are hearing stories about the record number of people who are filing for unemployment, the devastating stories of people dying from this mystery virus that we have yet to get a handle on because it is new to the...