Last year I wrote about the problem with bad websites that are not just ugly and dated, but hurt your business reputation and the ability to be found online by people who want to spend money with you. I've updated it a bit, but the basics are the same: There are times...
WOWO Fort Wayne Radio Advertising with Scott Howard
Fort Wayne Job Fairs for 2016
Due to the overwhelming success for the employers who joined WOWO radio and Federated Media during the two Fort Wayne Job Fairs we hosted in 2015, we have two Fort Wayne Job Fairs planned in 2016. At the last job fair, some employers waited too long to be included and...
The WOWO App & Are You Mobile Friendly?
My radio station WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana, just released a new smartphone app as one of our improvements for 2016. You can find it here for Android and for those of you Apple fans, go here. We just revised our website this year too with a cleaner, less...
Do You Want To Sponsor the 2016 Election Coverage on WOWO?
Taking a break from writing about marketing and media and the usual stuff to get the word out about an opportunity with my radio station, WOWO in Fort Wayne. Starting in March, WOWO will allow two non-competing businesses to sponsor all of our 2016 Election Coverage....
Are You There When They Want You?
One of the pretty cool things about radio ads is the way that for years, it was the last bit of advertising messaging that a consumer was exposed to before deciding where to spend their money. Think about it for a second. You may have seen an ad on television last...
Do You Know What Advertising is?
I have talked to many people who have asked this question in some form, "How does advertising work?" The people asking are not stupid. And the question is not stupid. It is not a question that is asked enough by people who need to know the answer. Doctors, business...
How To Create A Real Marketing Strategy Plan: Part 2
Last year I kicked off the new year with a brief series to help you be more successful when deciding how to spend your advertising and marketing budget. This week I am sharing that information again with some updates. Today we will go over the last 3 items on this...
How To Create A Real Marketing Strategy Plan: Part 1
Yesterday I kicked off a series on what to do before you buy any advertising. Today, we'll expand starting with the first point: You need to know who you are from 4 different perspectives: Your insider knowledge of who you are. Knowing who you are and who/what your...
4 Steps To Stop Blowing Your Advertising Money
There's an old saying that "half of my advertising is working and the other half is a waste, but I don't know which is which." Today, I am going to revisit a series I wrote on buying advertising. In the rawest sense of what I do for a living, I sell advertising. I...