Today I am going to talk to you about my friend Nancy and her husband Bill. You can read or listen to this on the Genuine ScLoHo Media & Marketing Podcast: Bill and Nancy are real people, not a made up couple. I've known Nancy since we went to high school...
WOWO Fort Wayne Radio Advertising with Scott Howard
Do You Know the Value of Relationship Marketing?
Listen to the Genuine ScLoHo Media & Marketing Podcast, same great content, just in an audio form! My favorite kind of marketing is relationship marketing. That may surprise some of you because of my years in the radio business and on the web. But believe me,...
The Right Price
You can now listen to these articles on the Genuine ScLoHo Media and Marketing Podcast! This is episode 3. How much money should a new car cost? How much money would you pay for a bag of potato chips? What is the right price for a radio commercial? The last time we...
Meaningful Marketing Messages to Boomers
I have been reading a series from Mediapost, What We've Learned About Marketing To Baby Boomers and this month they published part 3. Why do I care? First off, I've been studying marketing and advertising for 3 decades. 2nd, the radio station I work for WOWO, has a...
What’s a ScLoHo?
At the end of 2016, I was preparing to launch a podcast version of the weekly articles I have been writing and publishing on The Genuine ScLoHo website and this is the very first episode that you can also listen to. Here's the link to this episode. Now that we have...
Do You Want MORE or BETTER?
It's the old quantity versus quality debate that can apply to any situation. Dating... do you want lots of girl/boy friends or just one that rises above the rest? That's the whole premise of the Bachelor television show. In fantasy world being surrounded by a lot of...
Do You Have A Marketing Measuring Stick?
Three questions that apply to everyone and nearly everything: Do you set goals? Do you set up a plan to meet those goals? Do you meet or exceed those goals? You can ask those same questions to a high school freshman, a college freshman, or a 50 year old and you will...
You Are In The PEOPLE Business
Okay, you are not really making money by buying, selling or trading human beings, but hang on... You are in the People Business, no doubt about it. In my world at WOWO Radio and Federated Digital Solutions, one of the tactics that I offer that captures the...
The Reach of Radio
Over the next 5 weeks, I am sharing the 5 most shared articles I've published in the past 12 months like this one from March 2016: It comes as no surprise to me, but maybe some of my friends in the advertising industry will have their eyes opened by this chart: A...