NewsTalk 1190 WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana is going to be 100 years old soon. Despite the most recent doomsday report that AM and FM radio stations would be obsolete before WOWO hits 100, I'm here to present some real reasons that the report is both right and...
WOWO Fort Wayne Radio Advertising with Scott Howard
Where Do You Get Your News?
Where do you get your local news? Is traditional media dead yet? These two questions have been on my mind for quite awhile and then last month we learned that a Fort Wayne news institution was making a major change: The News-Sentinel is ending distribution of its...
Invite, Invite, Invite Again
Invitations and the Buying Funnel. A couple summers ago I wrote that you have to Invite People To Do Business With You. Read it again and I've got an update for you regarding how this works with the Buying Funnel. The simplest, most basic way to describe marketing...
What’s This GeoFencing Thing People Are Talking About?
GeoFencing is a term that I have used regularly and repeatedly for the past 3 years and apparently others in the advertising and marketing world have too. But it has caused a ton of confusion because some people who are selling this service don't understand how it...
Do You Want Our Money?
Today, I'm going to talk to you from my generational perspective and I have one question for you: Do You Want Our Money? I am a young Baby Boomer. I am also a WOWO Radio Listener. And I work for WOWO in the advertising sales department. That means I am the dude you...
Advertising Nugget: Reach & Frequency Matter
Reach & Frequency Matter. There is an age old advertising nugget that has been lost over the years. Or perhaps (and I shudder to think this is the real reason), it simply isn't taught anymore. What is this advertising nugget? Reach and Frequency Matter. Before I...
Do You Have What It Takes to Be My Advertising Partner?
I am looking to form a few more advertising partnerships in connection with WOWO Radio and Federated Media including our online Federated Digital Services marketing options. Let's see if you qualify and what this entails. 1st of all, I only want to work with people...
The WHY behind ScLoHo
Sharing the motivation behind why you do what you do is powerful. Do you know your WHY? Here's mine. I want to help people make smart advertising and marketing choices. Actually it's bigger than that. I want to help people achieve their dreams so they can feed not...
What Are The Best and Worst Ways to Advertise?
It's a question I was asked recently, "Of all the ways I could advertise my business, what is the best and what is the worst?" It's a good question and I have some answers, but what I am about to share with you is not exactly what I told this person the other day....