I offer both radio advertising services with WOWO radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana and digital marketing services via our Federated Digital Solutions division. But today, I'm going to break the hearts of my digital marketing friends with the declaration that: Radio...
WOWO Fort Wayne Radio Advertising with Scott Howard
Should You Hire An Advertising Specialist or Generalist?
This article is for the business owner who is regularly being asked to buy advertising and really needs a little help deciding what to do. (Or perhaps a LOT of help.) Today, we are going to talk about the pros and cons of advertising agencies, advertising sales people...
You Can’t Bribe Your Way To Success
Stop Offering Discounts & Make More Money because you can't bribe your way to success. Want to increase your business revenue? Want to get rid of those annoying price sensitive customers who seem to be the biggest pain yet spend the least amount of money? It's a...
The Decline of Mass Media
As we head into the unofficial summer season of June, July and August, the three months between Memorial Day and Labor Day, I want to address a headline I saw again and give you an insiders perspective on The Decline of Mass Media. Why talk about it now? Well,...
Return On Your Advertising Investment
Return On Investment is a common term, but often I run into business owners who have no idea that they can calculate a Return On Your Advertising Investment. Do you know how to do this? First of all, I'm not going to assume that you know what Return On Investment...
Authentic and Appropriate
This week, we are going to talk about a subject that goes beyond media and marketing, it's about being Authentic and Appropriate. The backstory on this subject is that being Authentic and Appropriate is how I strive to live my life. However I was recently talking to a...
Integrated Marketing and Other Insider Terms
Do job titles matter? I work for WOWO radio and a few years ago, our parent company, Federated Media began calling their advertising salespeople: Integrated Marketing Managers or Integrated Marketing Specialists or some other variation. The keywords are Integrated...
Scott Howard’s Approach To Advertising Sales
Just what do you do, Scott? It's a question I am asked regularly because I often don't fit the stereotype of an advertising salesperson. A few years ago, before I was doing the Genuine ScLoHo Media & Marketing Podcast, I wrote about what I do and today, let's...
You ALWAYS Need New Customers
One of the weirdest things I sometimes hear from business owners is, "we are busy enough, we don't need to advertise to get new customers." Sorry, but you ALWAYS need new customers, and today, I'll tell you why. I had a conversation recently with a new business owner...