"Extra – Extra, Read All About It!!! Brick-and-Mortar stores are dead! E-commerce is the way everyone will shop in the future. Extra – Extra, Read All About It!!!” If you read the retail industry trades or e-commerce newsletters and blogs at all, that chant has been...
Marketing and Advertising Insights
Adjusting To New Realities In The Workforce
The saying that we are in a new reality was one that many of us didn't want to hear last year. But it's true and the quicker we see what is happening, the sooner we can adjust. At the end of the year, I read the Monday Morning Memo from Roy H. Williams that talked...
“The 2022 Sales Lift-Off” January 13th
Are you in the radio business? Join us for this very special national event that I'm honored to be a part of "The 2022 Sales Lift-Off" January 13th ! Join us live on the Clubhouse app next Thursday, January 13, 2022, @ 2 p.m. Eastern/11 a.m. Pacific for a...
Brand Building For 2022
When you own and operate a business and you live and breathe it, often, it’s difficult to see when things change. As they say, sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. When is the last time you had a Brand Health Check-Up? Only politicians can succeed...
Wrap Up and Step Up
Twas the end of December and all through the land, Lots of creatures were stirring, children, woman and man. The hustle and bustle of the holidays are here, And nearly everyone is attempting to be of good cheer. The retailers are hoping to rake in more bucks, While...
Talk to the Expert
Some consumers make purchase decisions based on relationships and some make them purely on price. They are referred to as either Relational or Transactional customers. If your business sells on price alone, this information may not pertain as much to you. If you would...
Your Supplier Wants To Help Pay For Your Advertising
All of your suppliers have a vested interest in your success, and most of them have access to extraordinary marketing funds and resources beyond traditional co-op to help you sell more of their products. With the end of the year rapidly approaching, it’s your chance...
The Ten Busiest Shopping Days for Christmas 2021…Are you Ready?
The top 10 busiest shopping days typically account for about 40% of all holiday shopping visits to physical stores. (2019 was 46.5% of the total season’s brick-and-mortar traffic whereas in “2020 COVID”, the busiest shopping days accounted for 35.2%). Source: Forbes...
ReOrganizing The WorkPlace
In less than 2 months it will be 2022, nearly two years since the American Lifestyle was disrupted due to a mysterious virus we call Covid-19. The pandemic and our response to it created a acceleration of certain changes that were happening but at a slower pace. For...