Wrap Up and Step Up
Twas the end of December and all through the land,
Lots of creatures were stirring, children, woman and man.
The hustle and bustle of the holidays are here,
And nearly everyone is attempting to be of good cheer.
The retailers are hoping to rake in more bucks,
While they alternate between taking care of customers and unloading trucks.
The advertising salespeople are doing their best,
to reach their customers, sell a few more ads, meet their budgets and then finally get some rest.
I could continue to write and talk in verse,
but honestly I’m not that talented, as a lyricist, I’m cursed.
So like many of you who are taking a break, this is my last column and podcast until 2022.
For those of you who are in the broadcasting business, I have an invitation for you to join me on Thursday, January 13th at 2pm eastern time for a live event called the 2022 Radio Sales Lift Off.
This event will be on the Clubhouse App, so you’ll need your smartphone, Radio consultant Loyd Ford reached out to me earlier this year to contribute to his Encourager series for people in the broadcasting business and I’ve been writing a monthly article.
This event on January 13th is the creation of Loyd and will be co-hosted by another radio veteran, Alec Drake. They asked me along with broadcaster Chuck Wood, I wonder if that’s his real name or an on-air name, to be their panelists.
Here’s what Alec said about it recently on LinkedIN and his own website:
We are all deep into thinking about next year’s sales strategies, so add this appointment to your calendar, “The 2022 Sales Lift-Off”. Join Loyd Ford from Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works and me on Clubhouse for a panel discussion by frontline managers to discuss Q1, sales team recruiting, and actionable revenue ideas for 2022!
Join us live on the Clubhouse app Thursday, January 13, 2022, @ 2 p.m. Eastern/11 a.m. Pacific for a revenue-focused event that will take place quarterly for sales managers, market managers, and local sellers.
Loyd Ford from Rainmaker PathwayConsulting Works along with Alec Drake will open up a panel of sales partners to discuss a strong finish to Q1, recruiting sales staff, and a closing roundtable with actionable items to help you and your team grow revenues. The Revenue Partners for this Q12022 Live Event:
Chuck Wood – VP/GM of Delta Media Corp., a multi-media media company comprised of seven television and nine radio stations in Broussard, Louisiana
Scott Howard – General Sales Manager at WOWO Radio/Federated Media, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
– Actionable sales ideas – Recruiting Strategies – Get Your 22 Momentum – Share and Learn