3 Ways To Grow
As owners or managers of a business, it’s our responsibility to not only figure out how to keep our business functioning properly and effectively, but also how to GROW our business. Staying even or going backward are not options. Growth is vital!
Growing a business is more complicated than just increasing sales. Understanding that there are only three ways to grow a business is a great place to start.
1.) Sell more of what you are currently selling.
2.) Sell what you are currently selling for more money.
3.) Add additional product(s) or service(s) to what you are currently selling.
Regardless of how you slice it, nearly everything you can come up with to grow a business will fall under one of these three headings.
We suggest that you look at each area and identify within your business how you might increase your sales.
1. Selling more this year than you did last year isn’t as easy as it sounds and simply opening up your doors and hanging a “We’re Open” sign isn’t the answer. What can you do to get the same people, or new people, to buy more of your products or services?
2. Can you increase prices? If not on every product or service, can you increase the pricing on some of them? Which ones? Identify them!
3. Adding products or services gets tricky. Think within your business category and then think outside of it. Are there products or services that you can add that won’t distract from or replace your current offerings?
Attracting a customer and getting them to open their wallets can be a difficult and costly process. But once they’re in your showroom and have their wallets open, an accompanying up-sell is relatively easy. Once the customer has chosen a new outfit, getting them to consider adding a pair of shoes or belt is relatively easy and it can be a big step towards growing your business.
The formula works regardless of if your business is retail, service, medical, or professional.
If you would like to see a simple worksheet that can help you start the process of utilizing the three ways to grow your business, click here.