Random Birthday Week Thoughts

Random Birthday Week Thoughts

Time to share a few personal thoughts and reflections.

(When I started writing online, it was a blog called ScLoHo’s Really? . It was a personal blog that a few years later combined with a business oriented blog and created this website.)

It’s Sunday morning December 8th, 2024 and on the 11th I turn 65 years old.

Most days I don’t feel like I’m that old, but I’m not sure what I expected to feel like at this age.

Health wise, I’m doing fine.  Nothing seriously wrong that I’m aware of that has crept up on me as I age.

A few years ago, a friend of mine, Larry Merino, who served as one of the pastors at our church gave me some advice about getting older.

Larry is 6 years older than me.

I was leading an outreach group of volunteers from our church to participate in the Great American Clean-up in the Frances Slocum Neighborhood in Ft. Wayne.  I’d been participating in this event for a few years and this particular year I was suffering from allergies.  We had around 30+ volunteers this day and we gathered at Klug Park.  I grew up across the street from Klug Park and now Larry lived across the street from the same park.

After giving everyone instructions including addresses that could use our help, Larry prayed for the volunteers and then called me to join him on his porch while the rest went to work.  Larry told me to look and see all the younger people who were there and they could do the physical labor.  As we get older, our roles in life change to that of mentoring, teaching and leading.  I mostly took his advice that day, and enjoyed his fellowship, friendship and the couple cups of coffee.  I also did stay involved as I drove around to the various addresses to make sure everyone had what they needed and assisted in that manner.

That was over ten years ago, I was just 54 at the time, but there have been a couple of times that I’ve realized my age compared to others.

Back in 2001, I was working as a thermoformer operator for a local plastics company and started noticing that the new people they were hiring were closer to my kids age than my age.  The job was fast-paced and demanding and each day I had a crew of 2 to 6 material handlers that were responsible for correctly inspecting and packing what we produced.  When it was break time, we didn’t shut the production line down, I simply would take over, usually doing the work of two or three for 20 minutes.  I used my ability to to the work of two or three as a reason for not slowing the line down when they complained it was too fast.  If I can keep up, you can too were the words they heard from me often.

Later in life, as I reflected on some of the differences between myself and others, I noticed a certain drive and ambition that others pointed out was part of my make-up.  Others have it too, but there are plenty of people who don’t.

Another time I noticed my age was one of the first times I was invited to speak to a university class and I realized that the examples I was using in my presentation were people that the college students never heard of because they were 25 years younger than me.  Oops.  I’ve learned that lesson.  I still speak to college and university classes about once or twice a year, but refrain from being the really old guy!

What are some things I would tell my younger self if I could go back in time?

Some of the same things I tell people now.

Encourage people.

Appreciate people.

Tell them that you notice their effort.

You don’t have it have life figured out yet.  Some of the best people on this planet are the ones that continue to be curious and explore.

Don’t waste your time, but also slow down and enjoy life and the things and people around you.

Instead of living in fear, chart your course and be willing to take some calculated chances.

Listen more, talk less.

Not everything will last, Some only last for a season and that’s okay.

Seek advice from both the old and the young.

You can start over.

Here’s how I know this.

At age 22 I met a woman that was just 21 and in less than 6 months we were married.  That marriage produced 3 great kids.  While that marriage ended after 13 years, we decided to keep the friendship going as both of us remarried and our family circle grew.  Admittedly, being friends at first wasn’t easy, but for the love of our kids, we learned.

At age 42, I married again and we’ve grown from being parents and step-parents to having grandkids too in the mix.

I’ve changed jobs and careers a few times.  Currently I just completed my 11th year at Federated Media doing what I started doing in 2013 as an advertising sales and marketing consultant.  However I also spent nearly 4 years in management overseeing the sales team at WOWO and a couple of our other radio stations.  Last year I returned to doing the sales instead of managing the sales team again and it’s good to be back in this role.

It’s fun to see how my kids and step-kids lives have evolved too.  The youngest is married and Mom to four boys, the oldest lives near us and his two sons are exemplary. Those are my step-kids and they are both married to exceptional people.

In-between are my three kids who are also driven but balanced. Work, Family, Personal, it all comes together if you allow it.  Actually you have to do more than allow it, you have to seek it and pursue it.

I’m extremely proud of Tiffany, Josh and Rachael.  Two of three have reached 40 and I’m blessed to have good and growing relationships with them, their partners and kids.

My wife and I have been together for nearly 25 years now and have created a life that is supportive and in-sync despite having some very different interests, we also have a lot in common. BTW, it helps to have different interests, otherwise you might be boring to your partner.

One last thought ran through my mind before I hit the publish button.

15 years ago, my wife threw a surprise birthday party for my 50th.  It was at our home and in attendance were friends and family including my son Josh who had just turned 25 the month before.  I had a moment of reflection that evening too.

I mentioned how here I was 50, Josh was half my age and I was amazed at how the past 25 years had been since he was born, not just my life but everyone’s life. I also mentioned how I was enthusiastically anticipating  how the next 25 years would turn out.  We’re not there yet, and perhaps I’ve got another 25 years on this planet.

We shall see…


Launch Expectations

Launch Expectations

Just about every week except Holiday weeks, I send out a newsletter called Sound ADvice that is created by my friend Rick at ENS Media and recently he created an excellent piece that my subscribers read that starts out talking about the Space Shuttle.

In my childhood and early adult days, NASA had their own rockets and space craft that was used to send astronauts to outer space.  This was before Elon Musk and Jeff Bezo’s took over with private craft.  The Space Shuttle was used for 30 years starting in 1981 until their last flight in 2011.

Here’s more from my Sound ADvice newsletter along with application for businesses that are looking to launch an advertising campaign.  Next week, I’ve got some more of my insights and stories on this subject.

At liftoff, the Space Shuttle’s two solid rocket boosters consume 11,000 pounds of fuel per second and use approximately 85% of its total capacity just for the lift-off phase.

The initial effort to get anything to move is always greater than the effort required once motion has begun. Ever tried to push a car? At first, it seems almost impossible, but once it gets rolling its motion requires less effort on your part and becomes quite predictable.

Have you ever started an advertising schedule or campaign, and it felt like you weren’t getting any response or the response you thought you should be getting? Getting your advertising off the ground, like anything, takes time, but once it takes hold, it should continue to produce results going forward with relative ease.

There are several reasons why time is needed to get your advertising working for you.

One…The length of your product’s cycle. In the automotive market, for example, there is approximately only 2% of the population in the market for a car in any given month. No amount of advertising energy can make someone who just bought a car, buy another. For a roofing contractor, it’s even greater. We only get a few new roofs in our lifetime. Less than 1% of the population is in the market for a new roof each month.

Two…People are creatures of habit. Very often they’ll keep buying where they have always bought, until their current supplier lets them down or someone like you or another competitor invites them to do business with you or them.

In many cases, your advertising is simply positioning yourself to be the first supplier prospects think of when their current supplier lets them down… and they will let them down!

Three…Expecting instant gratification from your advertising can be unrealistic. Like the shuttle, it takes a lot of energy to get your marketing ball rolling.

There are other reasons like not enough frequency, your share of voice within your market, or a competitor who has established a strong Top-of-Mind Awareness within your category.

In his Twelve Causes of Advertising Failure, marketing guru Roy Williams states that failure cause number one is, “The desire for instant gratification”.

Whether you’ve been advertising for a long time or just considering starting, understanding how advertising works, what makes it work, and how long it takes to start working is very important in achieving long-term success. Patience is a virtue.

If you want to ensure the success of your advertising, click here to see all Twelve Causes of Advertising Failure to help you avoid these huge mistakes.

Win Back Former Customers

Win Back Former Customers

What should you change to retain or win back customers?

What internal changes can you make that will create a more positive customer experience?

Are there some things that have changed but that law of “unintended consequences” kicked in and perhaps you should revert to the it was before?

How prepared are you for the upcoming year and both the known and unknown that will impact the Customer Experience and your business bottom line?

I know, that’s a lot to contemplate but it’s the kind of questions I like to ask when I’m meeting with business owners and managers.

I’ve got three stories/examples to share.

I was one of the millions of people who voted early this year. Instead of waiting until Election Day on Tuesday November 5th, I was downtown one day in October and decided to visit the early voting location and stand in line to vote early.  The line was long but it was inside.  Total time from when I arrived and parked my car to when I left was 50 minutes.

A couple weeks later I noticed that the early voting line was different.  It was shorter and people had to wait outside the building.  I’m not sure why but I was thankful that my wait was not braving the elements, even though it was longer than those later early voters.  The customer experience of voting was less favorable for those who had to wait outside.  Most, but not all voters persisted in both scenarios because they had a determination to vote then and there instead of leaving.

Another story dealing with lines is my favorite locally owned coffee shop, the one that earned the nickname of ScLoHo’s North Office for more than a dozen years.  These days I visit mostly on Sundays but have started to stop by during the week on occasion too, like the old days.

However there are times when I will walk in and look at the line of people waiting to order and decide if I want to stay and wait or leave.  When they are busy the line can be 20 people deep.  Longer than that and the line goes out the door which I’ve seen a couple of times.  I know that over the years the owners have continually made modifications and that includes expanding and also streamlining their menu.  They’ve also adjusted their hours and during the Covid years, made required adjustments as needed.  They’ve raised their prices and even added a surcharge which is a percent of your bill that goes to pay for benefits to their staff.  I know that because they were upfront and posted about it.  They are 25 years strong and despite the long lines during busy times which discourages some customers from waiting at that moment, they will continue to thrive.

I also have the Starbucks app on my phone and I keep it loaded with funds so I can get coffee on the road at places other than my favorite local shop.  There have been a couple of times that one of the local Starbucks was so busy that they had no parking avail and I’ve waited for over 20 minutes.  I know, First World Problem. I’m not the only one that has been deterred from being their customer as they’ve lost sales and now they are going to fix a couple of common complaints to their speed and pricing.  Here’s the info from MediaPost.com:

Starbucks Ends Milk Upcharge, Returns To Sharpie Roots

“Starbucks will no longer charge customers extra for nondairy milk alternatives in their lattes, macchiatos and other beverages, part of a strategy to boost slowing sales by streamlining its menu and re-creating a more inviting coffeehouse vibe at its stores,” according to The Washington Post. “Customers previously complained that the extra fee for nondairy substitutes discriminated against people with lactose intolerance or other dietary restrictions….

Customers ordering drinks with nondairy substitutes can expect price reductions of more than 10%.

“The company is also setting a goal of getting customers their orders in four minutes or less,” according to The New York Times.  Brewed coffee will now be delivered to customers at the register, and customers can customize their coffee themselves — adding milk and sweeteners — at the condiment stations that the company will be reinstalling. That should also alleviate some of the workload for baristas.”

Another change won’t save customers money, but might make them feel more connected to the brand:  “Starbucks is bringing back hand-written names in Sharpie on cups and self-serve stations with sugar and cream to try to win back customers,” according to CNN. “Baristas handwriting customers’ names and messages on their drink orders in marker will make a comeback.”

It’s part of their strategy to recreate a coffeehouse vibe at Starbucks and add a “human touch.”

The last story I have has to do with something I did about 15 years ago when I served on the Board of Directors with the Advertising Federation.  We had monthly lunches at least 9 or or 10 times a year and there was a fee to attend.  Nearly everyone else on the board worked on the creative side or at an ad agency, yet I was the one that moved us forward into the world of online payments.  This was around 2009 and the custom was to reserve with an email or phone call and then bring either cash, check or credit card to be processed at the lunch.

Eventbrite was just a few years old and some of the old school board members were hesitant to move to an online reservation and payment platform for our lunches.  I set it up and our attendance quickly rose because we improved the customer experience and provided a fresh option to make it easy for people to buy along with keeping the previous method as an option for about a year to handle the transition.

All of these stories and examples are related to marketing too because you’ve changed the perception and reality of your company to the customer.

Go back to those original questions and ask yourself and your team about ways to improve as you move forward.

R U Ready for Christmas Shoppers?

R U Ready for Christmas Shoppers?

Do you feel like the year is speeding to a close?   A lot of others do too.

All the build up for Election Day with the push from both parties to vote early, was making headlines meanwhile most people went about their usual lives with the end of year holidays. Halloween is always the last day of October so retailers know when to stock their shelves with candy, costumes and decorations.  However many Halloween events occurred earlier in the month so we can safely say that the entire month was Halloween Shopping Season.

Right now we’re focused on Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and while Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are always December 24th and 25th, Thanksgiving is a little trickier.

A lot of folks that I’ve talked to thought it was November 22nd, but November 29th is Turkey Day 2024.  That’s pretty late in the month, which means that Black Friday is the 30th.

Black Friday has been the traditional kick off for Christmas shopping and this year we have less than 4 weeks until Christmas gifts are opened. 

As a retailer, are you ready?  Here’s some great insight that readers of my Sound ADvice newsletter received a couple weeks ago:

People are shopping earlier and earlier.  Are you ready to capture your share of the holiday shopping season?

On average, the top 10 busiest shopping days in the U.S. account for approximately 30 – 40% of all holiday retail traffic. Taking advantage of these 10 days and the days surrounding them is paramount to having a successful holiday shopping season. (Source: Sensormatic, Sept 2024)

Consumer reports and surveys from nearly every industry expert indicate that spending will increase by nearly 32% in 2024. The average shopper will spend approximately $1261, up from $958 in 2023.

According to the NRF (National Retail Federation), 45% of shoppers plan to start shopping before November, up from 40% just 10 years ago.

There are three main reasons why consumers are getting in the buying spirit earlier than normal this holiday season: 

  1. Fear of limited supplies
  2. Inflation – Stretching their budgets
  3. Major retailers setting the pace and launching sales events earlier

According to an October 2024 Forbes article, holiday shopping isn’t just for retailers. Restaurants, décor stores, and others can cash in as well. Of the $1261 each shopper plans to spend on average, not all is targeted for gifts. Spending on food and décor has surged by 61% and entertainment budgets have increased by 56.4%. 

Well-planned businesses that run well-executed events and promotions can help garner more than their fair share of the holiday shopping pie. Knowing when the shoppers are ready to shop and being prepared for them is paramount to getting that fair share. 

Stores that plan in-store special events and then promote them will see more significant store traffic and greater sales than those that simply sit back and “hope” people stop in. Inviting holiday shoppers into the store at key buying times can and will make all the difference.

The busiest shopping days will see some slight changes in 2024. With that said, Black Friday will hold its title as the busiest shopping day.

Are you ready?

According to Sensormatic Solutions, the 10 busiest shopping days of the 2024 holiday season in the United States are:

  1. Black Friday: Friday, November 29
  2. Super Saturday: Saturday, December 21
  3. Monday before Christmas: Monday, December 23 
  4. Sunday before Christmas: Sunday, December 22 
  5. Second Saturday before Christmas: Saturday, December 14  
  6. Saturday after Black Friday: Saturday, November 30
  7. Boxing Day: Thursday, December 26
  8. Third Saturday before Christmas: Saturday,  December 7
  9. Saturday after Christmas: Saturday, December 28
  10. Friday before Christmas: Friday, December 20

While this article focuses on retail, there is major money being spent in and around the holiday season in many other business categories. For example, Life Insurance and Investments, HVAC, and many end-of-year health care procedures are being completed.  The age-old saying, “making hay while the sun shines” is appropriate in these and other categories as well.

If you would like help planning any of your marketing and/or advertising events for this holiday season, it’s not too late.  Contact me and I will gladly sit down with you and help come up with creative ideas to help you have a successful 2024 holiday shopping season.  And even more important, we can develop a plan for 2025 so you’re not missing out on any of the major shopping days and seasons.

How’s Your Culture?

How’s Your Culture?

First, I’m sharing information that readers of my Sound ADvice newsletter received October 30th and if you’d like a free email subscription, just let me know.  Then I’ll add some additional insights…

Today’s #1 concern of most business owners is not what their competition is doing, when the next recession will arrive, or how much business Amazon may be taking from them.   Most business owners and managers will tell you their #1 concern is… finding good employees!

Ask yourself, “If the perfect person walked through my door today and was looking for a job, what would I do?”  Would you ADD this new-found superstar to your team, or is there someone on your team that you would “offer an opportunity to find a new career”, i.e. replace them?

The cost of emotionally disengaged employees is staggering, and the number of disengaged employees is huge.  In America, a Gallup Research Poll found that 70% of employees would consider a better opportunity if one was presented to them.  They also found that 51% of employed people already have a resume put together and are actively looking for their next job or career.

One consistent sign of any great company is the longevity of its employees.  Smart business owners understand it’s a far better investment to pamper, reward, recognize, support, train, pay your current employees well, and keep them than to continue hiring, training, and rehiring unengaged employees.

The things employees want most vary from survey to survey, but they include flexibility, opportunity, defined responsibility, attention and recognition, autonomy, and purpose, to name a few.

As a business owner, gauging or rating your employees’ happiness isn’t easy.  A quick way to do this is to have each employee take a simple survey.  This simple, non-threatening exercise will answer nearly everything you need to know about their level of engagement, and whether or not you need to put the HELP WANTED sign out front of your business.

Consider asking your employees these two powerful questions to find out if they are happy, or if they are part of the 70% that would consider a better opportunity:

1) Do you feel like your supervisor cares about you as a person?

2) Do you feel like there is an opportunity for you to grow here?

Caution:  DO NOT have your employees put their names on the survey.  I can almost assure you that you will know who they are by their answers.

If you would like the complete list of 11 Survey Questions to Measure your Employees’ Happiness Level, click here or contact me

Since 2013 I’ve worked for WOWO radio, which is owned by Federated Media.  Started out as one of 5 on the advertising sales team for WOWO, was asked to lead our team in 2020, added three more stations sales teams to manage in 2022 and then at the end of 2023, recruited myself back to ad sales for WOWO and our sports talk station, The Fan.

This is not my first job in radio advertising, but it’s one that I plan on doing until I retire.


It’s a culture thing.

That includes happiness, but it also includes freedom and support.

We are currently short staffed on our sales teams at Federated Media in Fort Wayne which is one of the reasons I’m back in sales instead of management.

We have 4 sales teams, one for each radio station.  That includes WMEE, K105, 989 The Bear and WOWO plus the WOWO team also sells our other talk station The Fan.

One of my most challenging duties as a General Sales Manager was recruitment.

We have high standards and that starts with taking an online talent assessment to see if we are a good fit for the candidates that apply.

My last summer in management, I hired two for the Bear and only one is still there.  I reviewed over 400 applicants to get those two.

Right now, we have 10 total for all stations, we should have 16 to be fully staffed.

One of the things sales people hate is unnecessary meetings and so most weeks we are fortunate to only have a couple of hours each week that we need to be at the office for a meeting.  The rest of the time, we’re out taking care of clients and finding new clients.

Well last month we were “pulled off the streets” as the saying goes for a half-day session with our sales consultant.  As I was looking around the conference room, I saw a bunch of individuals that while small in number (10 instead of 16), they are all the right people for right now.  Everyone there is doing their job and doing it well.  Not perfect, none of us are.

But myself and the other 9 sales people along with the 3 managers in the room are the core for producing revenue.  Some have more than two decades with Federated Media.  Some just over a year.  Some have left and then came back.  That’s a good sign when someone leaves and then decides the grass isn’t greener out there and they return.

By the way, in the 11 years I’ve been here, I’m guessing there are around 30 people who used to work for our sales teams but don’t anymore.  That online talent assessment isn’t a predictor of an individuals success, it’s just the qualifier to be considered for employment.   Before I was in management, there were some managers who hired people that according to the talent assessment, were not a good match and none of those people lasted even a year.

One last reflection on all this… I was talking to a co-worker who rejoined Federated Media last year and is now with my station, WOWO.  He’s one of the ones that has been with Federated Media for more than a couple of decades, and previously he was on the WMEE sales team.  I asked him how many different managers he’s worked for in his years here and 8 was the answer.  Some of those changes were due to management realignment changes and the last couple were due to management changes we went thru with WOWO.

As he and I were comparing notes, while an individual manager can set the tone for the culture, the best staff are also adaptable and self-motivated to succeed no matter who they are reporting to.  Those people you will want to keep and build your culture around them.