Right-Sizing Your People
Our federal government is in the midst of attempting to cut staff that isn’t needed.
I’m not going to get all political on you, however the way they are doing it appears to be confusing, chaotic and in conflict with itself.
As a business owner or manager, you probably have similar goals of increasing efficiency but you need to be smart about it and minimize the pain.
As a former manager myself, I found myself sometimes debating how to support my team by either doing some tasks for them myself, or to delegate.
Turns out even in my non-management position, I have support people that I can use to handle certain tasks more efficiently than doing it myself, while other times, it’s better for me to do it.
Last month one of my Sound ADvice newsletters touched on this subject:
What would you rather have – more time or more money?
Wouldn’t more time EQUAL more money?
You’ve heard the phrase, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”. Well, if you constantly feel that there are not enough hours in a day and keep going like you’re going… stress is a killer. If you’re doing the job that 2, 3, or 10 people should be doing, then you probably have tension, high irritability, and marble-size knots spread throughout your back.
The problem: Too many tasks, too little time. Or if you DO get them done, you’re massively sleep-deprived and your employees and family start to dislike you real fast.
What’s the quick answer? DELEGATE. It will give you more time. More time can equal more money – and more peace. Doesn’t “peace” sound nice?
I know a business manager who has a mountain of tasks to complete every day, week, and month. She also likes to have a lot of control. I get it. But I think she’s going to have a breakdown soon if she doesn’t learn to delegate some of her workload.
The benefits to her would be her health and potentially more moments to be happy. The benefits for YOU can be improved health, more happiness, and BUSINESS GROWTH. You’ll find that when you delegate certain tasks, you can increase the profit potential of your business.
What is your time worth? $50 an hour? $125? $1000? If you take a close peek at your regular tasks, you’re probably doing a lot of things that someone else could do for far less.
If you learn to outsource a few of those things, you’ll be able to have more time doing the truly valuable things you’re really good at. You’ll also have more time to vacation, laugh, love, and get the rest your body deserves.
If you’d like to know a crucial step in DELEGATING and taking a few things off your plate, click here. Let’s get started…
Your family and your employees will thank you.
If you would like to be included as a free subscriber to my Sound ADvice weekly newsletter, email me: Scott@ScLoHo.net
In our own company we discovered that some of our people were both highly accurate and highly efficient which meant they not only could take on more tasks, but they wanted to do more because they enjoyed the work but were getting it done quicker than their predecessor, so they’ve been given more to do and they’re grateful.