A few nights ago I decided to write about a habit of mine that is probably more common than I realize, but someone mentioned to me that they didn’t understand it.
In Fort Wayne, there are a number of coffee shops and depending on what side of town I am in, I will spend time in one of them between 3 and 5 days each week.
It’s not for the coffee, even though I will buy a cup. That cup of coffee is more like my ticket to sit down and pull out my laptop and get some work done. That cup of coffee is my payment of rent for the chair I am using.
Some coffee shops, like most food places don’t want you there all day. Eat, drink and get on with your life. Let someone else have your seat.
But there are a couple that either don’t care if I stay longer, or they value what I bring.
80% of the time, I am alone. Thus the title of this piece, Alone In A Crowded Room. The other 20% of the time, I meet with someone at these coffee shops. I introduce people to these local businesses and the coffee shop gains another new customer.
But the real reason I am here is the comfort level. There are times when I simply need to get work done and focus on the tasks before me. I could work in my home office but it is sometimes too quiet. I could work at a cubical at one of the radio station offices, but that is too distracting at times.
The coffee shop has it’s own comfort level of noise, activity and familiarity.
Over the weekend, I visited a new shop on my side of town. I was searching for an old friend who I had not seen for a few months and we sat and talked for about 3 hours. No laptops, no work, just face to face conversation between two old friends with two cups of coffee.
I like this concept of Alone In A Crowded Room for myself. It works for me as part of the balance of life activities. If it was all I did, it would not work. How about you? Are there any particular life activity habits that you do that are not traditional?