Famous women’s fashion designer and perfume manufacturer Coco Chanel said this about running a business, “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different”.

What makes your business special?  Do you stand out among your competitors?  Do you do things that make other businesses envious and make the general public talk favorably about what you do or what you offer?

Or… are you playing the, “I’ll beat ‘em on the price” game?

If your business isn’t doing anything “special”, the only thing your potential customers can and will judge you on is price or convenience; are you cheaper or are you closer than your competitors.  Winning on price alone generally means losing where it really matters….in profits.

Assuming your pricing is at least in the ballpark, there are many things you can promote that cannot be “shopped and compared”.  What makes your business stand out in the crowd? Is it your…

  • Knowledge
  • Skill
  • Talent
  • Hours
  • Speed
  • Guarantee or Warranty
  • Extras (something you do that no one else does)

Even your advertising or marketing style can make you unique.  If your commercials and ads look and sound like everyone else’s ads, they won’t stand out.  If you create a unique style and strategy, it can make all the difference in the world.

In business, having and promoting superior knowledge, skill, talent, hours, speed of service, guarantee, or doing something extra special is often times the difference between a decent business and a GREAT business.

Click here for our free “Seven Secrets to Promoting Your Competitive Advantage” to increase your top line, and more importantly, your bottom line.