How to fix your marketing problems, seems like an answer that nearly every business person and entrepreneur would love to have, right? Today I’m going give you the big answer and give you an example.
The big answer to fixing your marketing problems is:
Be Curious.
Seek Answers.
Talk to Real People.
Read more.
In short, A. B. L. which stands for Always Be Learning.
You can apply this formula to anything that you want to do.
You and I are already doing this.
Take for example the last couple of big purchases I made for my wife and I. Phones and Computers.
I did all the above.
I was curious, I sought out answers, talked to real people, read reviews, etc.
It’s the way most humans decide on what to buy.
I apply it to my advertising and marketing expertise too
Just last week my son sent me a link to a podcast about CSA Farm Marketing. I’m actually writing this a few minutes after he sent me the link, but by the time this article gets published and I create the podcast version, I will have listened to the podcast he sent me.
I am not a farmer. I had an Uncle Ed when I was a kid who had a farm that I visited a few times but we never really talked about farming. My son Josh on the other hand runs an organic CSA farm in South Carolina. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it’s a way for small farmers to create a sustainable business model by selling shares of the harvest ahead of time. It’s a pretty cool concept that I had not heard of or thought about until my son started working for one in Ohio years ago.
I will share some specifics lessons from the podcast in an upcoming article and podcast, because at first glance there are some golden nuggets of marketing wisdom tucked in that podcast.
This Always Be Learning concept is something I’ve been applying to build my marketing and advertising expertise for over 30 years because I was curious. In 1986 when I moved my family to Detroit and spent 7 years creating successful radio advertising campaigns; it was a huge learning experience for me as I got to interview dozens and dozens of business owners to find out what they did, why they did it, and how it worked. I was driven by curiosity.
I also read, researched and applied the concepts I was discovering into a working laboratory of marketing experiments with my advertising partners in Detroit.
This passion continued when I started doing this in 2003 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. (By the way, in between say, 1993 and 2003, for about 10 years, I got to work outside of the advertising and marketing world for a living and simply experience marketing and advertising from a consumers stand point. This ability to look at both sides of the marketing transaction, I know gives me a unique ability to see both the big picture and little details from both the business side and the customer side.
A friend of mine told me she was going to spend $20 to take a two hour marketing class offered by the small business administration and a local college. Good for her, I thought. But I’m curious as to what she will be told. Hopefully she’ll get some valuable tips. More importantly, she is starting the process that I mentioned at the beginning of this piece:
The big answer to fixing your marketing problems is:
Be Curious.
Seek Answers.
Talk to Real People.
Read more.
In short, A. B. L. which stands for Always Be Learning.
If you are in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area and want to do this, contact me. I work for WOWO Radio and Federated Media and may have some help in marketing your business available thru those resources. But my true passion is to help you on the right path whether you buy something from me or not.
Let’s talk.